10 Tips To Teach Children To Arrange The Bedroom

Children who love to tidy up their bedroom are really white flies. But even the most disordered can learn order and organization, with your help!
10 tips to teach children to arrange the bedroom

When you ask your child to fix up the bedroom, you often find that he has done next to nothing. To solve this problem that plagues many mothers, it is necessary to teach children to arrange the bedroom keeping in mind some tips.

Children’s bedrooms tend to be small, often shared, and generally don’t have a large storage space. However, they also contain unseasonable clothing and even excess toys.

Likewise, children cannot be organized when the closet is overflowing, the drawers are full, and the toys cover the entire surface of the floor. The solution is to order, box and simplify.

10 tips to teach children to arrange the bedroom

Children and messy bedrooms are a classic combination. Here you will find some useful tips to help small children to arrange the bedroom.

1. Establish a place for each object

A place for everything and everything in its place is a phrase that hits the mark in the bedrooms of small children. With a place for everything, they will be more willing to store items  and use them more, because they will be able to find toys right away.

2. Create some storage space

To offer more storage space, we recommend installing built-in wardrobes, dressers, storage units, hooks and baskets. Everyone should be at a height and position that is easy for children to reach.

Similarly,  you can put labels on the shelves and baskets to help the child understand where the items are going. If the child still cannot read, include photos or symbols.

3. Create a routine

Establishing a cleaning routine can work for your children and the whole family by making small changes. Some ideas may be to make the bed every morning, tidy up the backpacks after school, or put away the toys before taking out the others.

Father points out to his son all the scattered toys

4. Use the shelves

The shelves are not only perfect for storing books,  but also for displaying some of their toys and works of art that the little ones will have drawn.

5. Give him a hand when he needs it

Depending on the age of the child, you will need to help him get the tidying machine in motion. For younger children, you can take advantage of it to interpret games or stories that encourage cleanliness, while teaching them values ​​such as independence and responsibility for their belongings.

6. Do not use bribes or rewards

To help stimulate the child’s independence and create order in his room, you don’t have to resort to bribes or rewards. It certainly works best if they are guided and encouraged throughout the process.

7. Show the child where to put the clothes

Start with a pile of clothes and put them where they belong. If children don’t know how to hang clothes, now is a good time to teach them. When you run out of one stack, you can move on to the next one until the room is in order.

8. Use containers

Open toy boxes or shelves are not the best place to store your child’s personal items. To organize your games, the best solution is to put them in containers.

Of course, you can use plastic containers for smaller toys, larger containers with lids for buildings, trucks and cars, or for stuffed animals.

The advantage of the containers is that they help parents to control the amount of toys in use at the same time, so that when the child wants to play with another toy, he will be forced to put the previous one away in his container. membership.

9. Organize from the bottom up

Since it corresponds to the height of a child, we advise you to start organizing from the bottom of the room and continue towards the top. Likewise, most of the toys and objects used must be placed in the lower shelves, in the lower drawers or on the floor. The higher levels are reserved for items that are used less frequently.

Little girl arranges her toys

10. Participate in the process

The last piece of advice we recommend for teaching children to arrange the bedroom is to participate in the process. Together with your child, you have more chances to create an organizational scheme that makes sense for the little one; if they feel involved in the commitment, they can better understand the logic of the organization and keep their bedroom in good condition.

In conclusion, try these simple strategies to teach your children to arrange the bedroom. They will allow you to reduce clutter and bring common sense back into children’s bedrooms. Remember that proper organization is something that children will carry with them throughout their lives.

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