15 Foods That Promote Intellectual Performance

Foods not only bring benefits and nutrients to the body, but are also resources for intellectual performance. In the case of school-age children, it is important to pay attention to the type of diet.
15 foods that promote intellectual performance

This list of 15 foods that promote intellectual performance is designed for all tastes. Memory, the ability to reason, clarity and attention are some skills that can be stimulated through nutrition.

The ideal is to combine various ingredients throughout the day. The results come through consistency, and it’s worth it; each food has components that nourish different aspects of this organ as complex as the brain.

Foods that improve brain development  not only facilitate study and intellectual work, but also prevent degenerative neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

On the other hand,  stimulating and caring for the brain affects the other organs of the body. This will allow you to have a harmonious life and to feel good emotionally.

15 foods that promote intellectual performance

  • 1. Walnuts: Walnuts  are said to have benefits on the brain due to their shape. The amount of omega 3 fatty acids is an excellent fuel for neurotransmitters. This dried fruit prevents Alzheimer’s and develops cognitive skills as a whole.
  • 2. Almonds:  Their multiple properties bring great energy to the brain, stimulate the production of adrenaline and improve the mood. They are suitable for depressed people.
  • 3. Cashew:  This fruit contains high levels of magnesium. This pours into the opening of blood vessels and irrigates the whole body, so it has benefits on brain function.
  • 4. Peanut:  its nutrients bring great benefits to the brain by improving memory and communication understanding. Due to its low cost, peanut is one of the foods that promote intellectual performance.
  • 5. Seeds and derivatives:  wholemeal bread, popcorn, cereals, barley, oats and many other whole wheat compounds offer multiple beneficial properties for brain functioning.

child eating chocolate

Chocolate, oil and much more

  • 6. Bitter chocolate:  on the one hand, its antioxidant properties keep the brain young for longer. In addition, it has stimulants such as flavonoids and caffeine, which are very useful for improving concentration.
  • 7. Olive oil: it   has antioxidant properties capable of eliminating any type of toxic substance from the brain. Due to its qualities, it promotes rapid cell regeneration and prevents Alzheimer’s.
  • 8. Coconut oil:  its anti-inflammatory can frees blood vessels and makes memory exercise. At the same time, it oxygenates and purifies the blood.
  • 9. Pumpkin seeds:  the presence of Omega 3 and 6, in addition to vitamins A and E and zinc, make these seeds indisputable allies for a good memory and mental agility.
  • 10. Pumpkin:  its main components transform it into one of the foods that promote intellectual performance. It has folic acid and vitamin B12; roasted or baked, it has many benefits.

Vegetables and fish

  • 11. Spinach:  the potassium present in the leaves favors the healthy electric flow of the brain. Its antioxidant powers improve neuronal health. As for essential nutrients, spinach has vitamins K and E, magnesium and folate in the right quantities.
  • 12. Tomato:  lycopene is the most important component in tomatoes. It is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals that damage brain cells. This not only helps prevent brain disease, but also improves cognitive activities in general.

broccoli cooked in the pot

  • 13. Broccoli:  Broccoli is considered one of the foods that promotes the most powerful and complete intellectual performance. One of its main ingredients is choline, which enhances the development of cells and brain connections. These qualities convert broccoli into a staple food for pregnant women.
  • 14. Strawberry:  due to its high antioxidant content and its anti-inflammatory abilities, strawberry is a great ally for brain health. Its consumption enhances the capacity of neurons.
  • 15. Salmon: It  is useful to know that salmon is beneficial for the brain, given its high content of omega 3.

In summary, when you have to choose foods, it is essential to go towards those that give multiple benefits to the body. Proper nutrition can be a key factor in preventing irreversible degenerative diseases  and other health problems.

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