20 Tips From Mothers To Not Waste Time

Motherhood involves a series of changes so if you want to do everything right, you can’t waste time. Some mothers have put together a list of tips for the less experienced
20 tips from mothers to not waste time

Motherhood brings with it many rewards, but its weight can become overwhelming. This is why moms have resorted to different strategies to take care of various chores and be happy without wasting time.

In this daily adventure, advice from other mothers, who have discovered beneficial skills and practices for tiredness, can be helpful. There are many ways to make your time pay off more, a concrete way to take advantage of the spaces to make the day longer.

As we know, with motherhood everything changes, because our normal load is also added to that of the baby, which can be very tiring. In order not to waste time and lift this weight a little, other mothers can help you with these wise tips.

Organization is the key to not wasting time

If we organize ourselves before the baby arrives, we can save time, even if the lack of experience can be our enemy. To facilitate the task of caring for the child, it is convenient to  have everything needed  for basic activities at hand.

do not waste time

Get used to establishing scheduled exits

Many mothers spend a lot of time indoors, but others have routines that involve going out often. If you are part of the group that goes out every day for work or if you have to  take your child to daycare, you will certainly need to pack a bag for this kind of thing. So, prepare it in advance.

Make a to-do list

Even if it is not your habit to write down everything, remember that everything is different now and now more memory is needed. If we write down everything we have pending, it will be easy to remember  and plan. You can use a slate or have a diary always available to write down everything that comes to mind.

Take advantage of the time while the baby is sleeping

Many chores and even rest can be accomplished  while the baby is asleep,  but it is also possible to get the most out of it if we keep working until he wakes up completely.

If the baby wakes up but stays in the crib, we can continue with the chores to do in his room. So we can talk to him, sing and let him know we’re close.

Cook in advance

On weekends or any free time,  it’s always convenient to cook as much as we can in advance. When the child still eats baby food, the vegetables can be cooked and frozen for several days.

Save time using the breast pump

When you can, take advantage of this and use a breast pump to express the milk,  so you can freeze it and use it when you’re in a hurry. This avoids resorting to powdered milk and helps us not waste time.

Always keep everything ready for breastfeeding

Prepare an armchair with everything you need to breastfeed. It takes time, patience, and some tools.

Quick cleaning products

Use disinfectant wipes to help you clean faster. The dishwasher can be a good ally, but if you don’t have it, you can run the dishes before putting them away, so as not to waste time.

Cut the vegetables after buying them

When you come back from the market, you can take advantage of it to cut, pack and freeze the already cut vegetables.


Ask the father to share the responsibilities,  because you don’t have to do everything yourself. There are things you can’t avoid, like breastfeeding him or expressing milk, but he can do his part in everything else.

Shop online

You can buy a lot of things on the Internet without wasting time. You can really buy anything and some sites offer the option to save your list and repeat it whenever you want.

Use the microwave to sterilize

Put everything you wash in the microwave, by the time it is ready you will have sterilized everything at once.

do not waste time

Separate the amount of pending chores

Sometimes it is enough just to see everything we have pending to break us down more. If that’s the case, separate the chores. For example, put the clothes to be washed in various baskets to be able to take them little by little.

Do things calmly

Remember that everything is different now,  and maybe you won’t have everything ready in time and with the same effectiveness as before. Try to take advantage of this new experience, relax and follow your own rhythms.

Accept some extra help

If by chance someone offers you a hand,  do not be proud and get help in caring for the baby  while you do other things. Or get help with simple chores that take time away.

Shifts for chores

Some simple chores or  cooking can be done in shifts. For example, one day you will do the dishes, and the next day another family member will. On weekends you can buy food or eat out.

Turn off the phone

Unless it’s for business reasonsthere’s no reason to waste time using your cell phone. Motherhood will give you time for a lot of things, but always have priorities that don’t have to do with your entertainment.

Do not accumulate the work

We know that the baby is the priority, but after making sure that all his or her needs have been met,  you can anticipate many other chores. If you put aside what you can do one more time, you will  accumulate it all and weigh yourself down.

Wake up first

We also know that you may have tiring days and you may want to sleep more in the morning, however,  these extra minutes in bed may help you during the rest of the day.

If you wake up earlier, the day will seem longer. Just what you need.

And… Everything can wait

When you have a child, other things take a back seat. Do not rush to take care of the baby to be able to take care of other things. You won’t do anything right if you’re in a hurry. 

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