5 Tips To Help Your Child Write Better

5 tips to help your child write better

In general, having good writing is not a major concern of today’s children. If you want to make him write better, you will have to help him out.

It is important that children practice writing from an early age and understand the importance of having legible writing. Only by writing well, in fact, will their message be understood by everyone.

Here are 5 tips to help kids improve their handwriting.

5 tips to learn how to write better

1. Read what he writes in school

In order for your child to improve his writing, the first thing to do is to motivate him.

If he doesn’t care about better handwriting and finds it boring, no matter how much you ask or demand it, you will get nothing.

This is why we  recommend that you look at his notebooks more often and take an interest in the themes and essays that make him write at school.

If he realizes that you would like to read what he has written but that you cannot because you cannot understand his writing, the next time he will be more careful while writing because he will want his mother to understand his ideas.

2. Have it written in pen, not on a computer

To improve his handwriting you will need to make him understand the importance of writing by hand.

A child who uses the keyboard more than the pencil will never learn to write better.

Whether his writing is good depends on the psychomotor skills he possesses and developed in the early stage of his learning.

Mother and son do exercises to write better.

If before picking up a pencil your child has learned to use the computer and, above all, has traded the manual skills that writing needs with the movement of the fingers on the keyboard, it will be very difficult for him to be able to have a beautiful and readable.

For this, from the first minute,  you have to have it written more by hand than on a computer, mobile phone or tablet.

In fact, calligraphy develops only through the repetition of the same movements. If your child does not practice, he will never be able to master this skill.

3. Show him the correct posture

To write well you have to sit well and keep a comfortable position. Teach your child.

Does he sit hunched over, write on rough or unstable surfaces, lie down on the ground? Do you write vertically by leaning the paper against the wall, do you use a pencil that is too small or has the tip too worn? Graphite does not write well on the paper and has to put too much pressure to write?

Many factors can affect the legibility of the handwriting.

Your child will have to learn that the correct writing position is the one you have when you lean your back against the back of the chair and keep yourself erect but also comfortable.

Teach him that he should not lean over the notebook and that it should be tilted slightly to facilitate hand movement. The opposite hand, on the other hand, should hold the notebook still.

4. Teach him to hold the pencil correctly

There is no one-size-fits-all rule to hold the pencil.  Teach him the norm and let him apply it with all the necessary variations to be comfortable.

There are children who, to take the pencil, place their thumb on the middle finger, others form a pliers with the index and thumb, still others form a cone and join the middle finger, index finger and thumb to hold the pencil.

There are an infinite number of ways. Your child must find his, the one he is best with.

Mother and daughter write.

5. Practice and review

Victory lies in consistency, practice and review.

If not every day,  at least three times a week, invite him to write with you and do calligraphy exercises in which to repeat the same strokes over and over again.

We advise you to  awaken in your child the love of reading and the interest in drawing shapes by hand on the paper  from an early age.

For this reason, buy him books of fairy tales and colored crayons so that he can draw in moments of play.

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