6 Tricks To Have Hydrated And Beautiful Skin

The skin is a delicate area of ​​the human body and it requires care and attention. That’s why it’s important to know how to keep your skin hydrated and beautiful
6 tricks to have hydrated and beautiful skin

Changes in the climate, hormonal disturbances, pollution, sun, bad habits… There are many factors that can affect proper skin hydration. Fortunately, however, these signs can disappear with some tricks that will allow you to protect her and keep her healthy. In this article we will reveal some tricks to always have a hydrated and beautiful skin.

These are simple tips that, if you manage to put them into practice, will not only help you have a  hydrated and beautiful skin . In general, you will be able to improve the overall health of your body. Not bad, right? So, read on!

6 tricks for hydrated and beautiful skin

Having a hydrated and beautiful skin, moreover luminous and radiant, is not impossible. You will have to follow effective and very simple methods, being careful not to continue with the usual bad habits. For example, don’t get too much sun, sleep well, drink plenty of water… Are you ready to go to work? If your goal is to have renewed and fresh skin, take notes on these 6 foolproof tricks:

Drink lots of water

Hydration of the skin starts from the inside and to achieve it you will need to consume at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water aids in the elimination of toxins from the body which can damage the freshness of the skin. Furthermore, it is estimated that between 15 and 20% of the water you drink ends up in the skin.

Drinking is for hydrated and beautiful skin

Exfoliate your skin

The second of the tricks to have hydrated and beautiful skin is exfoliation, which must be done at least once a week. Why is it needed? Pollution, dust particles, makeup and impurities settle on the surface of the skin. And the problems related to dehydration are increasing. For this reason, to cleanse the skin thoroughly, exfoliation is recommended, i.e. the elimination of dead cells retained in the epidermis.

You can do this by using specific products based on the type of skin you have. Or, even with natural elements. Remember to do only what is necessary, otherwise you could cause irritation and complicate the condition of your face. Gently cleanse your skin every day and exfoliate once a week.

Hydrate and protect it

Hydration with lotions and creams should be daily, especially in the most exposed areas such as arms, knees and elbows. The best time to do this is after a shower, when the skin is moist and holds water better. Moisturizers should be chosen based on your skin type. Of course, you can supplement them with natural treatments for conditions such as acne.

As for protection, do not forget to apply products that prevent contact of UVB and UVA rays with the skin. Make sure you choose the ones that suit your phototype and that at least have an SPF of 50, even in winter. The sun’s rays are always harmful, at any time of the year.

Rest and relax for hydrated and beautiful skin

Rest is one of the tricks to have hydrated and beautiful skin and should not be underestimated. When you sleep well and rest, the repair mode is activated which helps the renewal of dead cells and tissues. If you sleep little or badly, your skin will become dehydrated and accelerate the aging process.

If you sleep, you will have hydrated and beautiful skin

Eat healthy and balanced

Food also plays an important role in skin hydration. The reproduction of new cells will depend on the proteins, vitamins and minerals you ingest. Inadequate fat and carbohydrate intake will complicate the digestion process and this extra effort will affect the health and appearance of your skin.

The ideal is to consume vegetables for their high fiber content, which promotes digestion and the expulsion of waste material.

Don’t forget the vitamins

There are vitamins that directly affect the health of the skin. These can be consumed in the form of pills or through natural foods that contain enough of them. For example, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and stimulates the production of collagen, which will allow you to have smooth and supple skin. B-complex vitamins promote the production of fibroblasts, the cells that repair skin and even hair. Vitamin A, on the other hand, stimulates healing.

In conclusion, these tricks to have hydrated and beautiful skin are very simple and easy to put into practice. It will be enough to modify some aspects of your daily routine, including nutrition. Remember to respect your skin and, when buying moisturizers or cosmetics, always make sure they are suitable for your skin type.

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