7 Fairy Tales To Educate Children

There are many wonderful fairy tales to educate our children. We present some really beautiful ones.
7 fairy tales to educate children

There are so many fairy tales to educate our children on the most diverse aspects of life. By reading them or sharing them, we entertain them, strengthen the bond with them and at the same time offer them important lessons.

In this article we have collected 7 beautiful fairy tales to educate children and help them grow.

Why use fairy tales to educate children?

Fables are short stories that speak of animals or inanimate objects to which human characteristics are given. They are undoubtedly lively and funny, and, at the same time, they express warnings about the attitudes and behaviors of the characters.

This characteristic makes it possible to  transmit a norm of behavior or an indispensable value for the child’s social interaction. In addition, it allows you to capture his attention and keep the memory of what has been heard and learned alive.

Through funny stories, fairy tales give children useful tools for everyday life

7 fun fairy tales to educate children

The oldest form of transmission of knowledge is the oral one. Nowadays, to educate children, we have a wide selection of stories  full of emotions and entertaining teachings. Here are the 7 fairy tales most appreciated by experts: children.

The congress of mice

This amusing tale tells the story of a group of mice who were looking for a way to identify in time the presence of the cat that threatened them. The proposals were many, but no one was willing to put them into practice. With this story, you can teach your child how easy it is to say you can do something and then not want to do it.

The cicada and the ant

By telling this tale to your children, you can convey to them the importance and value represented by work and effort. The story is about the difficult work of a small ant who was dedicated to building his house, while the cicada just sang. Thanks to this story, the child  will learn to take advantage of his time without wasting it.

The assembly in the carpentry

If your child is of school age, this fairy tale for educating children is ideal. It tells of a group of tools that  highlighted the defects of their companions.

Nonetheless, realizing how indispensable everyone was in creating beautiful furniture, they changed their minds. This story suggests to children the importance of their classmates and how significant  each person’s contribution  to society can be.

The lying shepherd boy

This is a great story to help the child channel pressure or the temptation to  give in to the temptation to tell lies. Tell the story of a shepherd who frightened people by telling them that the wolf was coming and having them rush to his aid.

One day the wolf really came, but, this time, no one helped him, because everyone believed that it was another deception. This tale teaches that  lies have disastrous consequences  for those who tell them.

The lion, the crow and the hare

This tale is about the difficult decision a lion was forced to make to hunt his dinner. He could decide between a small sleeping hare or a large, hearty deer. The choice he made was not very useful to him.

Through this fable to educate children, you can teach the little one to be  content with what he has and, moreover, to make wise decisions by evaluating the risks.

Among the tales to educate children, that of the two frogs is one of the most instructive

The two frogs

In this story  , the perspective on the life of two very different frogs is shown . One of them did not think the sea was an extraordinary place, because she had always lived at the bottom of a well.

However, hearing his description, he was offended and reacted cruelly. Thanks to this fairy tale you can teach children that  the world is a huge place, with countless things to see.

The hare and the tortoise

This ancient fable taught many in childhood not to make fun of others. It also conveys the idea that  too much self-confidence is an obstacle to learning and acquiring new friends.

The story told is that of a tortoise who challenged a vain hare to a race, after which the hare learned that  no one is better than no one.

In summary, fairy tales to educate children are an excellent opportunity to raise awareness among the little ones. They help them experience emotions and identify with the protagonists of the stories. Integrate them into your reading habits so you can enjoy the benefits provided by this powerful pedagogical tool.

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