7 Postures To Reduce The Pains Of Childbirth

If you are in the final stage of pregnancy, in this article we will give you some useful tips that will allow you to reduce the pains of childbirth.
7 postures to reduce the pains of childbirth

After waiting nine months to see your baby’s face, the long-awaited day arrives. You will be invaded by a set of feelings, nervousness, fears, uncertainties and your body will begin to prepare for this very important moment. Contractions will begin and discomfort will increase as dilation progresses. For this reason it is important to know the postures that will allow you to reduce the pains of childbirth.

Childbirth is divided into three phases: dilation of the cervix, birth and expulsion of the placenta. The longest and most painful phase is that of dilation. If it is the first child, it can last up to 20 hours, otherwise this period will be around 12 hours.

At the beginning of the dilation, the time between contractions is longer and therefore the pain is easier to bear. Gradually this interval shortens, until the actual birth phase arrives.

This is a process that requires a lot of endurance and strength, which is why it is essential to learn postures that will help you reduce the pains of childbirth . In addition, they will also serve to allow for faster dilation.

Find out how to reduce the pains of childbirth

Postures to reduce the pains of childbirth and dilate earlier

1. Kneel on the bed, leaning on a pillow

To promote faster dilation, it is best to separate the knees as much as possible and try to bring the toes together.

2. Rest your knees and hands on the floor

As soon as you are in this position, rock back and forth, trying to draw circles with your hips. In this way, you will reduce the pains of childbirth and speed up the dilation.

3. Walk to reduce the pains of childbirth

Walking promotes the opening of the cervix, which in turn will facilitate dilation. If you take a walk, you will get distracted and notice the pain less intensely.

4. Lie on your side with a pillow between your legs

Thanks to this position you will improve blood circulation in the legs and relax the lower back. It is preferable to do this on the left side, as this will allow the blood to reach the placenta and the baby will have a greater supply of oxygen.

5. Sit backwards in a chair

You will sit down looking at the backrest. If you notice tired kidneys, with this posture to reduce the pains of childbirth, you will be able to release the tension from this area. Also, by doing so, the pressure of the baby will move to the pelvis and your shoulders and neck will relax.

6. Walk on the wall

Lie on the floor near the wall, resting your head on a pillow. Place the soles of your feet on the wall and move them up and down as if you were walking on them. This posture activates the circulation in your legs and will help you push harder at delivery.

7. Sit on an inflatable ball (pilates)

With this posture you will avoid loading your legs with your weight and will be able to move without great effort. Sit with your legs spread and swing the ball from side to side, moving your hips. In this way, you will help the baby to go down towards the pelvis. If you don’t have one, try sitting on the edge of the sofa, spreading your legs the same way.

In addition to postures to reduce the pains of childbirth, it is very important to know how to control your breathing. If you learn to control it, you will be able to better manage the stages of approaching childbirth and you will feel safer. Focusing on the inhalation and exhalation is a great diversion to feel less pain.

Baby just given birth

Breathing between contraction and contraction must be normal. When the pangs come, you will need to breathe deeply and expand the rib cage, filling the lungs with air and then slowly expelling it. After each contraction you will need to inhale and exhale deeply.

We have shown you some of the postures that will allow you to reduce the pains of childbirth. Always keep them in mind, because they will help you reduce the suffering that accompanies the most beautiful and intense moment of your life: the birth of your child. Don’t forget to help with your breathing. If you breathe correctly, your body will relax and the pain will lessen. This will allow you to live this intense experience in a less traumatic way, which will culminate with the most beautiful of sensations, when you finally hold your little one in your arms.

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