Why Does My Son Throw Everything On The Ground?

Why does my child throw everything on the ground?

Children live in a phase in which they do nothing but pull everything, as if it were a challenge. Are you interested in why your child throws everything on the ground?

He will surely have surprised you several times with his baseball skill, throwing everything in his reach.  Maybe at first it seemed like an act of rebellion or a gesture to get your attention, then you realized that it happens every day.

With irritation, with a surprised expression or laughing you ask him to stop because it could break something important or harm someone.

We have good news for you: this skill is none other than one of the child’s first exercises to explore the world.

When you pull an object you have to calibrate the force with which to shoot, the distance, you have to have a fixed target, put yourself in a certain position, be careful of what surrounds you etc.  Here’s what your little one is trying to learn every time you push yourself to throw something. 

If he has done it a thousand times, get ready, because he will certainly do it a thousand more times. Be happy and grateful, because this signal of development and growth adds to the list of skills that the little one uses to face the challenges of life. When your child throws everything on the ground, guide him and teach him to be careful, to recognize dangers and fragile materials.

Your child throws everything to the ground: it is his way of learning

So we have learned that the love body of your life, by pulling everything to the ground, simply trains itself to be stronger and more agile. The time has come to guide him in this job which, given his young age, is an odyssey full of superhero challenges and achievements.

Therefore, before you get absorbed in this task, it is essential that you know in detail everything that the little brat learns with his impressive strength.

Find out what happens to the object

Does it break, makes particular sounds or does it stay still in the same place? A doubt, his, which awakens a thousand questions verifiable only with practice. That is, pull the object as many times as necessary to check what the answer to the doubts is.

It distances itself

Even if you may not believe it, when your child throws everything on the ground, he uses two of the five senses: sight and hearing. In the first case it analyzes the trajectory of the object in question: it sees how its dimensions vary as it moves away, until it becomes very small. As for the second, if the object takes a long time to fall, it means that it has come far and vice versa.

Test your skills

Is it worth continuing to pull this item? Should I continue the exploration? Did I understand what happens if I throw it hard? Will this other behave differently?

Knows the cause-effect relationship

After deciding to launch it, find out what the consequence is. The breaking of the glass and the reaction of fear of mum and dad, a loud noise that annoys others or draws the attention of parents.

Social interaction

He will understand that the object can arouse the interest of the people around him to the point of encouraging them to play with him. And then he’ll use it to create magical moments to share and realize he has the ability to bond. In the future this will be crucial for his personal and professional development.

Ultimately, our little scientist responds to his needs to explore and verify the world with speed and cunning.

What can we do to improve this experience?

Unless you throw something fragile or that could hurt someone, don’t scold them . Rather, teach him what he can throw and where. Obviously, do not let him be violent in his throws and after he throws something, invite him to pick it up with you, so as to get him used to being tidy.

Set an example by teaching him what is allowed and what is not, such as throwing dirty socks in the basket or used paper in the basket. Little by little he will understand what is right and take advantage of it.

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