The Dictation: The 12 Benefits Of This Educational Tool

Dictation may seem like an old-fashioned method, but it’s actually an educational tool that brings benefits beyond the ability to write and learning new words.
The dictation: the 12 benefits of this educational tool

How many times have you happened to talk to your child and realize that he does not understand well or does not pay attention to what you say. This situation can be changed by using certain educational tools. One of these is the dictation. We will tell you about it in this article.

While it may not seem like it, dictation is a simple exercise that has many benefits. Sometimes, there is no need to look for complex ways to improve the way our children communicate.

The use of dictation

Our children may see dictation as a boring and routine exercise, or as a pleasant time to spend together. It all depends on how we use it to reap its benefits.

Mother helping son with homework.

To make your children enjoy the time of dictation, you need to find topics that allow the little ones to laugh and have fun. In this article, we will tell you what your children will learn if you use this educational tool.

Surely, you will already know what a dictation is. You have to choose a text, read it aloud and in the meantime the child has to write down what he hears. It is a very simple operation, but at the same time it brings numerous benefits for the development of our children. It can be done both at school and at home.

The benefits of using dictation

Now that you know what a dictation is, let’s get into the specifics and find out what are the benefits of this educational tool for our children.

Improve logical thinking

The child recognizes and reproduces by writing words that put together within a sentence have a logical sense. Thus, by understanding the semantic structure of the text, children develop and improve logical reasoning.

It stimulates creativity, another of the benefits of using dictation

The dictation stimulates the creative abilities of children. Using various words, children improve and expand their vocabulary. This allows them to better express their emotions, feelings and ideas.

Improve concentration

For children who suffer from attention deficit disorders or who are very nervous and hyperactive, dictation is a great tool to improve their concentration. Writing under dictation, in fact, requires concentration and attention. During a dictation, children are not distracted by external agents and engage and concentrate to write the words and phrases they hear.

Develop your memory

Dictation greatly improves short-term memory (MBT). The child has to work hard to remember complete sentences to write in the notebook.

In addition, he will learn new words that will broaden his vocabulary and that he can use when he needs them.

Improve teamwork, another benefit of using dictation

When used among children, dictation improves teamwork. For example, one of the children may be dictating sentences to the others. This way, everyone will be forced to work together to finish the dictation. This also strengthens the bonds of friendship.

Improve reading comprehension

A child with correct reading comprehension also improves his ability to understand others. Whenever he finds himself studying or reading a book, he will understand its contents better and assimilate the concepts better.

Expansion of the lexicon

Dictations allow children to broaden their vocabulary. Therefore, they improve their way of expressing themselves, have a greater ease in communicating and are able to have more articulate conversations with others.

Develop imagination, another of the benefits of using dictation

The more imaginative the text and the more terms it includes, the greater the development of the child’s imaginative abilities. By increasing the vocabulary, the ability to dream also increases.

Improve ease of reading

Reading will be crucial in the child’s future life. Our children will always find themselves reading: in class, at work, for pleasure, etc. By having them do dictations we will facilitate the present and future development of our child.

Pupils doing a dictation in class.

Improve self-correction skills

When he makes a dictation, the child learns to correct himself. In this way, he discovers that making mistakes is part of life and that at the same time he can remedy mistakes without affecting his own safety and self-esteem.

Improve listening

Making dictations also improves listening. So when our children find themselves listening to other people talking, they will understand better the discussions they will participate in.

Encourage reading

Reading is a habit that all children should have. As we said earlier, they will find themselves reading in every area of ​​their life: at school, at work, etc. Thanks to the dictation, they will have a greater understanding of the world around them; as well as broadening their horizons, their culture and their knowledge.

If you can convince your children to practice dictation daily, they will be able to take advantage of the 12 benefits we have presented to you and many more.

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