Eating Soup: How To Persuade The Child

Getting your child to eat soup has multiple benefits. Its main ingredient is water and, for this reason, it is a dish that helps maintain proper hydration.
Eating soup: how to persuade the child

Nobody knows your children like you and you will certainly be convinced that nutrition is one of the fundamental pillars for their development. For this reason, the little ones must eat nutritious food suitable for them, such as soups. Getting your child to eat soup has many benefits.

Let’s first analyze why this food is so beneficial. You must know that the stomach works as a digester. Hence, hot water helps him digest food effectively. The soup, of course, contains hot liquids. Here is the first point in favor of this dish!

Researchers agree in this regard: drinking water promotes the body’s enzymatic processes which leads us to better digest the foods we consume. Warm water during meals promotes digestion and the absorption of even fatty foods.

Child eating soup

But there’s more: eating soup is very healthy. Its main ingredient is water and, for this reason, soups and broths are foods that help maintain proper hydration. In addition, the cooking method used for its preparation allows you to take advantage of all the nutrients without wasting any.

By preparing a soup you can avoid what happens when we boil the vegetables. With this method, in fact, all the nutrients remain in the cooking water and it is generally thrown away instead of being reused as broth.

Eat the classic soup

There are many variations of soup, most of them contain very healthy and water-rich foods, such as beans, rice, vegetables, pasta, oats, etc. In addition, the soup helps to promote the habit of eating slowly and setting aside time to ingest food.

Soups, broths and creams are part of the traditional cuisine of different cultures around the world. The first historical references regarding this dish date back to the Paleolithic, thanks to some engravings found in the caves of Les Eyzies de Tayac (France), which represented a group of people intent on cooking a soup.

Furthermore, it is a dish that is normally shared between various diners, an aspect that is increasingly being lost and that deserves to be taken up by our tradition.


Pamper them with the soup

Even in the house we grew up in, eating soup was probably a habit. We may not have been the first fans of this dish as children, but now we have certainly learned to appreciate it. When we are sick or down in the dumps it is not uncommon to be attacked by the desire for a good soup and this need has a scientific explanation.

Chicken soup, for example, is traditionally considered a great home remedy for colds and flu. This quality goes beyond its comforting power. Several studies have found anti-inflammatory substances in this soup that help improve the symptoms of these diseases.

Now that we know how wonderful this dish is, the problem is figuring out how to get the little ones to eat it. Let’s go back to the opening sentence of the article: nobody knows your children like you, so you know what they like and what they don’t.

The creams are more appetizing for the little ones. They have a more pleasant texture and appearance and an absolutely natural flavor. Some creams don’t need to be over-seasoned, so if you think your baby likes them, get yourself a blender.

It is possible to blend together the meat, vegetables and various condiments that you put in the soup to obtain a thicker consommé. Certainly the result will be to the liking of the little ones of the house.

Consuming this type of vegetable-based creams makes it easier for you to reach the nutritional goal recommended by the European Union of eating 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. To this end, it is advisable to include this type of food in our usual diet in order to maintain good hydration, achieve good control of the calories consumed and ensure a correct intake of vitamins and minerals.

Another very important fact: if you want your little one to eat soup, then set a good example and eat this fantastic dish.

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