All The Things Every New Mother Should Know

All the things every new mom should know

Dealing with childbirth and starting to take care of the baby right away is a challenge for every new mother, as it requires a lot of physical, mental and emotional effort.

All new mothers face challenges they have never had to deal with. Although motherhood is one of the best experiences in a woman’s life, when she starts a life for the first time, it is normal to have doubts and fears.

How do you raise a child? What behaviors are normal and what are warning signs? These are just some of the thousand questions that arise. The color of the baby’s first feces and frequent colic, as well as unsolicited advice from friends and relatives overwhelm us with the arrival of motherhood.

We have decided to compile a list to give you a general overview of the reality that every new mother faces.

Cutting your newborn's nails can be tricky for a new mother

What does a new mother need to know about breastfeeding?

There is no better nourishment for the newborn than breast milk. Breastfeeding your baby satisfies his nutritional needs and shapes his emotional and intellectual development, as well as strengthens his immune system.

Breastfeeding does not only have multiple benefits for the baby, but also for the mother. In fact, it has been shown that mothers who breastfeed their newborns recover their silhouette more quickly and run a lower risk of suffering from postpartum depression.

Other aspects to watch out for are eye contact and communication with the baby when you are breastfeeding. In this way, you will be able to create a strong bond that only a mother with her baby can have.

If you want to breastfeed, it is normal for your nipples to crack and become irritated at first. To prevent or treat this problem, you can cover them with calendula cream before giving birth and during the breastfeeding period.

Changing the diaper for the first time: the challenge of every new mother

Don’t be frightened if the baby’s first stool is very dark in color. This is completely normal. This is what is known as meconium. Over time, your stools will clear up.

Another detail that, very often, makes new mothers despair, is the frequency with which to change diapers. In general, it is recommended to change it twelve times a day. Obviously, the hygiene of this area is essential for the newborn every time the diaper is changed.

Wash the baby’s bottom with warm water or some calcareous oil and cotton. Wet wipes are another option, but you need to make sure they don’t trigger allergic reactions on the baby’s delicate skin.

To avoid diaper dermatitis, you can leave the baby without a diaper for a few minutes to allow the skin to breathe and prevent irritation. If you already have eczema, you can use special creams.

Those damn colic …

All new mothers have heard of colic, but they believe they will not be able to identify them easily. Don’t worry, it will be easy for you to recognize them, because when the baby has them he will keep a constant cry that you will not be able to calm with any strategy.

This discomfort is due to the amount of gas that it cannot expel easily. You can give him massages to relieve colic and expel gas.

Take the baby’s legs and, very gently, move them up and down, as if he were pedaling on a bicycle, or massage his belly in a circular motion or using the walking ant technique.

The baby bath

As is well known, you won’t be able to bathe your baby until the umbilical cord falls out. Nevertheless, you can clean it with the help of a sponge and products specially created for this phase.

First of all, you need to take care of the umbilical cord. You can sanitize it with a piece of cotton and alcohol to make it dry and speed up the fall. Be careful: if you notice a bad smell, blood or pus in the area surrounding the baby’s navel, you must take him to the hospital immediately to prevent him from becoming infected.

It is advisable to bathe every day at the same time and preferably in the evening. This routine will not only give the baby a sense of order and security, it will also help him relax for better sleep.

The water must have a temperature of about 37 ° C and the room must be heated, so close the door to avoid drafts. Keep his towel and clothes handy to dry and dress him quickly so he doesn’t get cold.

The sleep of the newborn, a challenge for the new mother

Nowadays, mothers are advised to have the baby lie on the side, to avoid possible suffocation, and it is not advisable to cover the baby too much, to reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death. Furthermore, we recommend that you let your baby sleep in the room with you at least up to six months of age.

A very common mistake of all new mothers is to avoid making noise when she sleeps during the day, because in this way you will get used to it badly. The best thing is that he falls asleep surrounded by the normal sounds of activities that take place around the house.

A new life begins for the new mother

The baby will not sleep well at first, but it is important that he can differentiate between day and night, and that he knows how to associate darkness with bedtime. This way, by the time he is about a month and a half, his sleep habits will be able to link the light-dark cycles, which will make him more predisposed to sleep at night.

The cradle should be tilted slightly to avoid regurgitation. Experts suggest placing pillows around the baby to make him feel safe and secure. By reducing the space you will give it a feeling of constant shelter.

Weeps and screams

We bet you thought that babies cries are all the same, right? Welcome to the world of motherhood! There are different types of crying, which depend on the different needs to which they respond. Usually, there are four:

  • There is a need to change his diaper.
  • He is hungry or thirsty.
  • He’s sleepy.
  • It is too much or not enough covered.

If you have already met all of these basic needs of the baby, but the crying continues, it is surely trying to get your attention. You will only be able to calm him down with cuddles, kisses and caresses, to make him feel loved and protected. Enjoy this moment!

New mom: the adventure begins

In fact, going through a birth and starting to take care of a newborn right away is a real challenge for all new mothers, as it requires enormous physical, mental and emotional effort. Your distress caused by lack of experience and your tiredness are normal, so there is nothing wrong with asking for help to get the most out of your child.

None of us were born with the built-in motherhood program, and there are no magic formulas for being the best mom in the world. This route winds its way, so enjoy the scenery and… have a nice trip!

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