Sterilizing Baby Bottles: How To Do It?

Sterilizing baby bottles is essential for the health of babies, who are very vulnerable to infections. Here are some useful tips.
Sterilizing baby bottles: how to do it

When a baby comes into the world, in addition to joy, it brings responsibility and attention. One of the most important aspects is to take care of nutrition; which also means sterilizing baby bottles and pacifiers.

The World Health Organization places considerable emphasis on the importance of breastfeeding during the first months of life. However, some mothers prefer not to breastfeed, or are unable to breastfeed for physiological reasons. At this point, the use of powdered milk for infants begins, with the consequent use of baby bottles.

And before feeding babies in this way, you should always sterilize the bottle .

Sterilizing baby bottles: is it necessary?

The answer is yes: sterilizing baby bottles is necessary. Babies do not yet have a fully developed immune system at birth. Which means they lack the necessary defenses to prevent infections, vomiting or diarrhea. For this reason, it is very important to use the bottle sterilizer.

There are several ways to sterilize the bottles and pacifiers that are used. They are all effective and vary according to everyone’s needs and possibilities.

Before handling these accessories, it is extremely important to wash your hands with soap and water. This avoids the possibility of transmitting any germs.

Forms and types of bottle sterilizers

Below, we list the most common methods for sterilizing these tools:

1. Sterilization of baby bottles with boiling water

This is the cheapest procedure, always available to anyone. Water must be boiled in a container, into which bottles, pacifiers, teats, etc. are then placed. Although it is the cheapest system, it is not the fastest.

In fact, the elements must remain in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Once the bottles have been sterilized, they should be used immediately. Otherwise, the effect of the sterilization process is lost.

There are several effective methods for sterilizing baby bottles

2. Electric steam bottle sterilizer

There is a huge variety of electric steam bottle sterilizers on the market. They come in different capacities: usually, from four to six bottles. This is a very useful aspect, because it allows you to use them to disinfect several elements at the same time.

The electric bottle sterilizer is very easy to use. All you have to do is  place the bottles inside the appliance and press the start button. Once the sterilization has been completed, they can be placed in the same container in which the sterilization process was carried out.

3. Microwave bottle sterilizer

This kind of device is also very practical and is among the most popular options. To use it, you need to  wash the bottles, place them in the sterilizer, add water and finally put them in the microwave.

These products are lightweight and economical. Their capacity can vary from two to six bottles. In addition, they can be used to sterilize pacifiers and some other baby accessories. They have a low cost and, to use them, you only need a microwave.

4. Sterilization of baby bottles using chemical agents

Also known as cold sterilization, this process is accomplished by dissolving a tablet in cold water. The big disadvantage of this method is the fact that it takes a considerable amount of time. This process, in fact, lasts from 30 to 60 minutes.

However, it is a simple method to use and particularly recommended for families who travel frequently. There is no need for electricity and it presents no risk, since the process is carried out with cold water.

5. Self-sterilizing bottles

This kind of product is very practical, when the usual sterilization devices are not at hand. It offers the possibility to sterilize the bottle without any need to have the sterilization container available. To use it, simply add a little water to the base and put it in the microwave: after that, the bottle will be sterilized. These products are inexpensive and are very useful in uncomfortable situations.

Sterilizing baby bottles is necessary because, at birth, babies' immune systems are not yet fully developed

Tips for cleaning and storing the bottle sterilizer

One piece of advice to take into account every day for storing the sterilizer is to make sure that no water remains on the bottom. Before sterilizing bottles and pacifiers, they must be dried well, because it is in humid environments that bacteria proliferate.

After using the appliance, it is important to wait until it has cooled down before removing the objects. It is also essential to remove the water to be able to store it clean and dry, as it is also to disconnect it after use.

Once a week, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the internal grids and the sterilizer cap. Likewise, it is useful to wipe alcohol-soaked cotton on the outer wall of the sterilizer. Do not forget, then, the plastic part of the cable and the plug.

Finally, it  is recommended to prepare a mixture of water and white vinegar once a month. The ideal is to pour it into the sterilizer and put it into operation. The vinegar acts as a disinfectant, helping to thoroughly clean the sterilizer.

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