7 Motivational Phrases For The Moment Of Childbirth

There are motivational phrases that will help you in the moment of delivery, when you will need concentration and strength to give birth to your baby.
7 motivational phrases for the moment of childbirth

Nine months of waiting and anxiety, between dreams and hopes. 274 days of collecting information, planning and calculating everything down to the smallest detail. Weeks spent between doctors and childbirth preparation courses. Yet, things often happen in a completely unexpected way. That is why it is important to know some motivational phrases for childbirth.

Although you think you have prepared everything flawlessly, the fateful moment arrives, taking you by surprise because it is a surprising event. The miracle of life manifests itself like this, without warning. Nervousness, excitement and some fear are mixed. You are invaded by a thousand conflicting feelings. But you can take courage if you keep these motivational phrases for giving birth in mind  .

They will help you focus your attention, stay focused, and understand the reason for this incredible effort. In this article we will show you which ones are the most valid.

Motivational phrases for giving birth

Motivational phrases help during childbirth

  1. This is my time and I can do it. By nature, women have the strength to go through a complex process such as childbirth. But you also have the right to assert your rights and those of the unborn child. Do everything possible to enjoy this unique and special moment in which you will know the love of your life. You will keep every moment in your heart!
  2. My body is prepared. Childbirth is a physiological act and is specially designed to give birth to the newborn. Do not be afraid of anything: it is an instinctive and natural act. Remove any doubts, choose the best company and, finally, trust your anatomy. Do not forget that nature is wise, surrender to it and everything will flow smoothly.
  3. It is a team effort.  At the time of delivery, you will understand that you and your baby will work together, at the same time, united by the same goal. Driven by the same love and a burning desire to live. You will understand what harmony really is and you will learn how to play your role as in any team. This shared effort will be really worth it, trust me: giving life is an immense joy!
  4. Relax and experience this magical moment. Your body will take control of the situation. Nature is what will determine the “when” and the “how”. So, your job is just to relax and make it all happen. As future mothers, you will just have to enjoy this unique and unrepeatable moment.
  5. Think that the pain is fleeting, and that you can stop it. This suffering is momentary and is not an end in itself. Each contraction, each passing minute is a small step towards holding the baby in your arms. Little is missing, future mothers, very little! And remember that you can request an epidural, this will not make you less mothers!
  6. I am ready, for his love. Love for your baby will give you the strength and courage you need to get through this moment. And many others, even more difficult. Fear not, you will be the best mother for this child. Believe it with all your might and embrace this idea.
  7. A storm passes quickly. You may experience unexplained and unexpected pain at the time of delivery. However, do not forget that this pain is temporary, and that thanks to medicine you can solve it. All evil will disappear when you hold that warm little body in your arms, when you smell its scent and understand that love is just that.

Mom with baby in her arms on the sofa

Yes, future mothers, life will be created through you. There is no greater reward than that innocent and sweet little being, full of love for you. It will paint and fill all your days with glee happiness. A gift, a dream that you yourself have made grow within you.

Remember these motivational phrases when the crucial moment of childbirth arrives.

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