Is It Normal If My Child Never Cries? Causes And Advice

From birth, babies begin to communicate through crying, and it’s not an easy task to decipher their language. However, there are children who do not express themselves in this way. For this, it is inevitable to come to this conclusion: is it normal if my child never cries?
Is it normal if my child never cries?  Causes and advice

When a child never cries it can be a real challenge for the mother, because it will not be easy for her to recognize when she is hungry, cold or some other need. You are probably wondering if you have any illness, a hearing or communication problem. It is normal for this problem to cause you to worry and ask yourself “Is it normal if my child never cries?” .

The crying of the newborn is his main communication tool. However, it could perfectly happen that you don’t use it yet.

Why didn’t my son cry when he was born?

There is a tendency to believe or to think that all newborns cry automatically at birth or when stimulated by the doctor. Despite this, this is not completely correct, since babies who are born of natural birth suffer a great deal of stress. This type of birth generates a trauma in the baby, which makes him cry automatically. Which, in turn, causes his respiratory system to activate.

However, many babies are born without crying. This happens because some are more peaceful and quiet than others. If this happens, the doctor or the person attending the birth will stimulate him to start crying and thus clean his airways which are still full of amniotic fluid.

In addition, newborns who are born via Caesarean section are more likely to yawn or cough than to cry. According to all of this, the absence of crying can sometimes be a sign of some health problem. For this reason, you should have the child examined to rule out any anomalies.

In these cases,  the neonatologist will perform the Apgar test on the baby. This test will evaluate, among other aspects, five very important factors for the newborn: 01

  • Muscle tone.
  • The reflections.
  • Skin coloring.
  • Heart rate.
  • The respiratory effort.

Depending on the results obtained, the medical team may decide that it is necessary to administer oxygen to the baby artificially.

Therefore, when you hear your baby cry when he is born, this is a sign that he is in good health, as well as the fact that you will soon be able to calm him when you breastfeed him.

Newborn baby in mum's arms

Causes my son never cries

Is it normal if my child never cries? Don’t worry, the most likely thing is that he has no need to satisfy. Despite this, every newborn is different and may even feel hungry or cold without being able to express it by crying.

If your doctor has already told you that everything is fine, your baby is still learning to cry. In this sense, you will have to start deciphering what he feels or what he wants through his movements and gestures.

If the baby never cries it doesn’t mean that everything is fine; for this, you will have to keep a record of its needs. For example, his meal time, when he is due to take his next nap or when you changed his diaper last time.

It is of primary importance that the mother learns to meet all the needs of the newborn. You have to interpret his way of communicating and then respond appropriately.

How to identify a child who is hungry

Crying is a last resort for the baby, even if he was hungry before. Crying is for him, therefore, the violent manifestation of being very hungry. To prevent him from spending more time than necessary without eating, pay attention to these movements and signals:

  • The newborn turns his head and tries to find the breast. Most newborn babies instinctively seek their mother’s breast to feed. When you observe this behavior, you must understand that he is hungry.
  • If you notice the baby fidgeting or moving a lot, it can mean that something is missing. It could also be that he is exactly hungry, but that he asks for a diaper change or that he has some air.
  • Another way to tell that the baby is hungry is  if you see him sucking something with his tongue. Sometimes she sucks as she would with a bottle or breast; this indicates that it is time to eat.

Newborn crying

Signs that the baby wants to sleep

On the other hand, if you see that the baby is tense or paralyzed and rubs his eyes with his fists closed,  then he wants to sleep. If you yawn very often or can’t keep your eyes open because your lids are heavy, it’s time to rest.

How to tell if your diaper is dirty?

The first sign will be the smell of feces. Likewise, if it’s been a long time since he made his last diaper dirty, you will see him annoyed and restless. Conversely, if he is sleeping, he will suddenly wake up and you can see the tension in his face, up to anger.

If your little one still can’t communicate through tears, you can interpret her communication signals even without crying. Finally, if you are still wondering if it is normal if your child never cries, you should contact his pediatrician.

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