Mom, Dedicated To Me In My Childhood

Mom, my childhood is the most important period of my life. Dedicate yourself to me in this unique period.
Mom, dedicated to me in my childhood

Dedicate yourself to me with all of yourself, mom, now that I’m living my childhood, that I’m a diamond in the rough. From these first years – the most malleable of my life – my growth will depend. This means that right now, these first life experiences and lessons will define my personality and even my adult life.

As you can see, everything about my childhood is much more complex than many adults think. In this beautiful but difficult period I discover the world. As my brain finishes forming, I discover emotions.

But basically, now that I am little, I will learn a lot about love. My development will be influenced by what my eyes see. What I will perceive from my life patterns, my main example, will define me as a child as well as a person.

How these people treat me at this stage is critical. This is what predisposes my life to health or disease. For this, mom and dad, I still insist. In reality, I am addressing the right people: take care of my childhood, I am a diamond in the rough, which must be polished to shine in all its splendor and beauty.

Dedicate yourself to my childhood and that reflection you project in me

Dedicate yourself to a child's childhood.

Mom, dedicate yourself to my childhood, because sooner or later, even my temperament will say a lot about you. Preach by giving me the example, teach me with actions and words. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Every time we fall and get up, we learn something.

Remember that behind every child who has learned well, there are educated and dedicated parents. The same ones who, when they became parents, turned into figures and role models. Think twice before lying, scolding, disrespecting and letting yourself go to all those bad behaviors that I could do by judging them appropriate.

 Do not forget that in the depths of the adult who resorts to physical punishment there is another great truth. Because behind every spanking there is a difficult childhood. There is a small wounded who does nothing but confuse fear with respect.

Never allow me to confuse true love between parents and children with abuse. I have no intention of tolerating screams and aggression of any kind, even if they are moved “for my own good”. In this way, I only learn that violence is a legitimate means of conflict resolution and channeling negative emotions.

My childhood is more than important. In this stage of my growth, my personality is formed, my way of being and acting. It is also the moment in which a way of thinking is established. Values ​​and principles are rooted, as well as the small defects, typical of every human being.

My childhood, this beautiful common treasure

Making a child's childhood happy.

Mom, please take care of my childhood. We are talking about a beautiful common treasure. This non-material asset that offers you the invaluable possibility of returning to the past. You can relive your childhood, you have the opportunity to subject everything to a purer and more innocent worldview.

Rediscover the simplicity, freshness and sincerity of each child. Realize how immaculate her young soul is. Learn to be happy with very little and to face every problem as a simple trifle that spice up our life.

Enjoy the tickle and butterflies in your stomach. Rediscover curiosity and the immense desire to learn and know how to hug yourself. Hold on to that audacity that pushes you to bring out the most hidden dreams. Leave the scoldings alone, leave room for the loud laughter that comes from the heart.

External everything you hear. Children’s intelligence or emotional transparency are the only things that can heal the wounded souls of adults. Feel empathy for those around you. Feel the same as the rest of mortals, with no ridiculous difference or distinction imparted by adults.

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