Is A Pregnancy That Leaves No Marks Possible?

Is it really possible to have a pregnancy that leaves no marks? No stretch marks, no extra pounds, no hypertension? Yes, by following some precautions.
Is a pregnancy that leaves no marks possible?

One way or another it is possible to have a pregnancy that leaves no marks. Expecting a child is a very important experience, during which countless changes occur.

Being pregnant means feeling sick, having mood swings, feeling happiness and anxiety at the same time. But it also means taking care of yourself.

From the moment we realize we are pregnant, we begin to miss the holidays. You will never spend a day in your life without thinking about your child.

The reasons why changes are sliding on us is the power that motherhood inspires. Everything changes, both internally and externally during and after a pregnancy.

The signs are not only physical, but also mental and emotional. But, is a pregnancy that leaves no marks possible? How to avoid them? And, do we really want to avoid them?

Body signs: stretch marks, overweight and hypertension

A pregnancy that leaves no marks like stretch marks is possible

Stretch marks

Many women are afraid to face this problem, which also affects the vast majority of expectant mothers. As the belly grows, the skin tightens causing stretch marks to form.

There are three areas of the body most prone to the formation of stretch marks, caused by an increase in the volume of the belly and its loss after childbirth. These are the breasts, abdomen and hips.

To avoid stretch marks it is important to moisturize the skin from the start, applying moisturizing creams or oils daily. Often women apply them twice a day.

However, there are also people who are more prone than others to get stretch marks. It is a genetic problem. The number of pregnancies that have occurred also greatly affects. Stretch marks usually appear after the second pregnancy.


An unhealthy diet can contribute to excessive weight gain in pregnant women. It is true that the consumption of proteins and other nutrients is important, but it is equally true that we must not overdo it.

By following a balanced diet we can avoid this terrible problem: being overweight.

It is advisable to limit the intake of unhealthy foods as they contain many calories and few vitamins. Decreasing the consumption of salt, sugar and fat is important for your baby to be born in perfect health.

Above all, if you want your skin not to stretch in an exaggerated way, it is preferable that you follow an adequate diet throughout the gestational period.

Diet also affects water retention, which can lead to other health problems. However, the main problem in these cases is that some mothers eat for two.

In this sense, our advice is that you eat healthy foods and adequate portions. This will help you have a pregnancy that leaves no marks.


It is common for pregnant women to suffer from hypertension even if they have never suffered from it before gestation. Among other things, lack of hydration, decreased physical activity, nutrition and other factors affect this diagnosis. Hypertension is a sign that a pregnancy can leave for a lifetime.

That is why it is advisable to take all necessary measures to avoid developing these diseases. We recommend that you drink at least one liter of water more than usual. In fact, water purifies the body and helps it get rid of superfluous quantities of sodium.

Good hydration avoids urinary infections and gives your skin a more hydrated and clean appearance. In addition, it cleanses the blood of toxins. Poor hydration could complicate your baby’s proper brain development.

Tips for having a pregnancy that leaves no marks

To walk

During pregnancy, walking helps control weight gain without forcing the body. While walking you will do aerobic exercise, but with very low impact. This means that your baby’s health will not be compromised in any way.

As long as there are no contraindications, walk: it will help you relax and release tension. It tones the muscles, improves blood circulation and avoids swelling in the legs. It also avoids constipation.

In the last few months it helps to stimulate the contractions of childbirth, due to the sway of the hips during walking. It offers greater strength for childbirth, avoiding the annoying cramps that typically occur at that time.

Sleep well

Symptoms of pregnancy make it difficult to sleep well. When you are pregnant you need to find the right position to be able to sleep better and for the baby to feel comfortable. There are nights when the little ones move around a lot and this makes it difficult to rest properly.

It is advisable to sleep eight hours a day. However, if you can’t, remember that 6 hours is a good time to get enough rest. On the other hand, if the rest time is longer, the better the perfusion of the uterus will be.

Moisten the skin

As stated above regarding stretch marks, it is recommended that you prevent them by means of feasible methods such as spreading creams or oils on them twice a day. This will help you have more skin elasticity as your belly grows.

Now that you know how to have a pregnancy that leaves no marks, don’t hesitate to take our advice!

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