Polydramnios Or Abundant Amniotic Fluid

Polyhydramnios means an excessive presence of amniotic fluid. Depending on its severity, this condition requires medical intervention.
Polyhydramnios or abundant amniotic fluid

Polyhydramnios, better known as abundant amniotic fluid, is a quantity of fluid that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy and is responsible for providing all the proteins necessary for its development. But in the case of an exaggerated amount, and that exceeds normal levels, polyhydramnios can cause problems for the mother and the fetus.

What is polyhydramnios?

Although specialists sometimes fail to understand why this condition occurs in some pregnant mothers, according to research, there are some factors that generate the risk of suffering from polyhydramnios. Among these are the following:

  • Multiple gestation. It can cause one fetus to have more amniotic fluid than the other.
  • Maternal diabetes
  • Big kids
  • Neurological problems in the fetus – such as hydrocephalus, can make swallowing difficult.
  • Fetal malformations such as spinal cord defects, cerebral or gastrointestinal and urinary obstructions.
  • Cleft lip  which can cause swallowing problem.
  • Blood group incompatibility  between mother and baby.

polyhydramnios in pregnancy

Signs and symptoms

Women who suffer from polyhydramnios often have no symptoms, especially when it comes to a mild state, but in severe cases they begin to have the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Abdominal pain
  • Inflammation of the abdominal wall or lower limbs
  • Uterine contractions
  • He retched
  • Abdomen larger or smaller than the month of pregnancy.

    It is essential to make a diagnosis and treatment in time for the pregnancy to follow a normal course.

    How is a case of polyhydramnios diagnosed?

    The best way for a pregnant woman to know if she has polyhydramnios is through an ultrasound measurement which must be performed by a specialist. This will give an approximate amniotic fluid index (ILA), which should not exceed 24 centimeters during the third trimester as it would be considered in excess and could cause damage.

    After having a complete ultrasound scan to diagnose any malformations of the fetus, the doctor will have to rule out if the abundance of amniotic fluid is due to hereditary causes by checking the family history. It is also possible to perform glucose tolerance tests, for bleeding, anemia and prenatal serological tests.

    Risk factors

    There are serious risk factors that can increase problems during pregnancy due to polyhydramnios, so it  is essential that the expectant mother goes through all pregnancy checks scheduled by her doctor. Here are the possible risks:

    • Postpartum hemorrhage. This is a severe postpartum bleeding.
    • Death of the fetus. Polyhydramnios can cause fetal death after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Premature birth. It happens when the baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Detachment of the placenta. This detachment is something very serious, because the fetus ceases to receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s body.
    • Bad position of the fetus. Normally, the fetus lies with its head in the direction of the mother’s back, but polyhydramnios usually causes this position to change, leading to the need to consider a caesarean as a safer option for childbirth.

      position of the fetus

      What is the treatment?

      In the case of mild polyhydramnios, no treatment is needed, but if the doctor indicates that it is a severe case, acting in time is vital. Among the most effective treatments are: manual reduction of amniotic fluid, drugs to make the baby urinate less or, if the term of pregnancy is near, early delivery.

      Likewise, it is recommended that prenatal monitoring begin at 32 weeks with a comprehensive test in which the mother will have to stay calm to obtain accurate results without alterations. Also, if you have diabetes, regulate your blood sugar levels.

      Uncomplicated pregnancy

      Avoiding cases of polyhydramnios is an impossible act, because it occurs without warning, or for some anomaly, family causes and even for no reason. For this reason, it is important that expectant mothers take care of their pregnancy at all times to reduce the risks that this condition could cause to the fetus and its health in general.

      Having healthy habits, staying away from nicotine and eating a good diet will help the mother maintain the desired weight, reducing the risk of diabetes and providing important vitamins for the proper development of the fetus.

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