How To Relieve Colic In Babies

Although not all infants suffer from colic, many infants are plagued by this type of malaise, to say the least. That’s why moms need to know how to relieve them.
How to relieve colic in babies

How to relieve colic? This is a question that a good percentage of mothers ask themselves every day and maybe you who read are among them too.

If you have already taken your child to the pediatrician who, following the visit, has ruled out other types of pathologies, we at Siamo Mamme are delighted for you.

Well yes, we are happy because if it is simple colic, unlike other diseases, it is possible to remedy it with love and some simple techniques.

Today we’re going to show you how to get your little one to expel gas and calm him down whenever he feels unwell.

What are newborn colic?

The first thing to know is that the colic that afflicts newborn babies is nothing but abdominal contractions accompanied by pain.

These contractions typically occur in the first 12 weeks of life and can last up to 2-3 hours.  While this is not the case in all cases, many of the colic occurs mainly in the evening.


How to tell if the baby has colic?

A child suffering from colic shows perceptible symptoms as soon as the pain occurs:
– He cries insistently. He contracts, clenches his fists, and turns purple. Despite your attempts, you cannot calm him down;
– His sleep is restless. He cannot fall asleep or wakes up complaining a moment after falling asleep;
– He’s got a hard belly.
If you notice some of these signs in your little one, it is likely that he is suffering from colic.

How to relieve colic

One of the most effective remedies for a baby’s crying is in the warmth and affection of the mother.

If you know your baby is suffering from colic, pick him up, kiss him, caress him, sing him something and talk sweetly to him.

Then, follow these tips:

  • Lift the baby and rest his head on your shoulder or chest, so that he stands upright. This is the best posture to allow gases to escape.
  •  Some infants who suffer from colic refuse the breast, despite the fact that it is time to breastfeed; others, on the other hand, greatly appreciate contact with the mother’s skin and the intake of much-needed mother’s milk. Try to see if that’s the case.
  • If your child enjoys bathing, this can also be an effective way to relieve the discomfort. Do as usual: wash it with warm water and see if it feels better.
  • Find out if your child prefers quiet or sound. In the first case, create a quiet and calm environment for him, while in the second you could try to turn on the television or the washing machine.
  • Practice light massages on your baby’s abdomen, always keeping his reaction under control. If you are afraid of hurting him, try bending his legs, bringing them towards his tummy.  Another recommended technique to facilitate the expulsion of gases is to make him do the “bicycle”,  alternating the movement of the legs as you bring them towards his belly.
  • Do not give any medicine or infusion to the baby, although some other mother has recommended it to you. Remember that everything he needs to live and grow is in your milk; let the pediatrician prescribe any other type of remedy.
  • Immediately after breastfeeding, let the baby get rid of gas  as it is normal for him to take in air during suckling. Place it on the shoulder and massage his back from the bottom upwards, until he is free.
  • Carry him around the house and let him get fresh air, perhaps in the garden or on the terrace. You can also take it for a ride in the car: many children relax with movement.

    How to relieve colic?

    You may have realized that there is no need to learn any particular technique to get the baby free of gas. It is enough to give the child the necessary attention and help him to overcome these moments of malaise in the best possible way.

    If your child does not calm down, try not to leave him in one position. Try to put him on his stomach, so that he stands straight, then put him back down but on his stomach, pull him up again by resting his head on your neck, until he calms down.

    Movement will also be effective in expelling intestinal gas and getting the little one free.

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