Second Pregnancy: What Are The Differences Compared To The First?

In this article we will explain the main differences between the second pregnancy and the first.
Second pregnancy: what are the differences compared to the first?

The first pregnancy always causes us to have conflicting sensations. On the one hand, it is a new experience that scares us; on the other, it excites us. Being a mother is a great responsibility, and we usually have many doubts related to childbirth or gestation. Fortunately, the second pregnancy tends to be much more relaxed and less strained than the first.

We feel more prepared and informed than the previous time, and this gives us peace. We know it brings risks and pain, but we also know how much it is worth it. The time of delivery is something we have already been through and are willing to go through again.

Despite this, there are certain things you should know about the subject. The second pregnancy tends to be a little different from the first, and some of these differences can be quite significant.

Differences between the first and second pregnancy

1. This time, your belly will grow first

In the first pregnancy, the belly begins to be noticeable starting from the fifth or sixth month. In the second, it happens in a different way, because the muscles of the abdomen are a little more relaxed. This means that they adapt more quickly to changes and that the belly starts noticing as early as the third month.

2. Your uterus is no longer large

Despite being a common thought, the uterus does not increase in size after the first gestation. During the second pregnancy the growth of the organ is the same as the previous one.

Pregnant woman

3. It may be that you do not have the same symptoms as you did at the first one

You don’t have to suffer from the same problems as the first pregnancy. The most likely thing is that the nausea and back pain will recur, but other stronger symptoms (such as gestosis), will not necessarily recur.

4. The movements of the fetus are felt first

In the second pregnancy, the movements of the fetus begin to be felt  starting from the fourteenth week. In the first, however, this happens around the twentieth or twenty-first week.

5. The time of delivery can be different

Even though the former was via caesarean, the latter may be a natural birth. The scar is absolutely not an obstacle and has no reason to influence the birth process. Furthermore, it is necessary to underline that  even if the waters broke spontaneously during the first birth, it does not necessarily happen this time.

6. Episiotomy is not always necessary

Nowadays, this is a practice that is carried out only  in cases where it is strictly necessary. If it was performed in the first birth, it is possible that it is also done in the second.

7. It is recommended that you attend the childbirth preparation course again

Even if you have already done it the first time, it  is always recommended to do the course again. You will be able to do physical and relaxation exercises, as well as have the opportunity to meet other mothers.

8. Dilatation should take less time than in the first birth

Labor should be shorter during the second delivery. If the first lasted, for example, 24 hours, the second should last at least half.

How do i prepare for the second pregnancy?

When making the decision to expand your family, you need to prepare, both physically and mentally. There will be many changes that will  not only affect the mother, but also the couple and the first baby. It is important to analyze the situation in order to make the most appropriate decisions.

1. Start taking care of your health before pregnancy

Many times we make the mistake of starting to worry about our health when we realize we are pregnant. It is important to start doing this earlier, as the body takes some time to get used to. It is recommended to stop smoking, to stop drinking, to start taking folic acid and to pay attention to the diet.

United hands holding some shoes

2. Go to the doctor

It is important that you go to your doctor for this pregnancy. It is very important to do a pre-conception consultation to know if you are in the right conditions to tackle the path again. It can also help you by answering doubts you didn’t have before.

3. There must be some time between the first and second pregnancy

It is essential that there is a minimum time gap of 6 months after delivery between the first and second pregnancy. The ideal is that it is between 2 and 5 years, but if it happened beyond the previous parameter there would be no problem. Each family is different and must choose the moment when they think is best.

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