What You Need To Know About Quiet Children

What you need to know about quiet children

Quiet children tend to be respectful and obedient, as well as not giving parents much concern. Below we will tell you what are the other characteristic traits of these children.

Generally speaking, these are children who are little or no conflict at all. They have a relaxed attitude, which does not always imply passivity per se. Quite simply, quiet children know that, in most matters, it is not necessary to confront each other or to give space to negative emotions.

The calm with which they act and their patience make them very pleasant people. Although they are not usually outgoing.

Getting close to them can be a bit difficult, since their calmness can give the impression that they don’t want to interact. But, on the contrary, they are interested in relating and communicating with others. Let us remember that effusions are not always the clearest manifestation of interest.

If your children are calm, we recommend that you educate them without exaggerating in protecting them. That you encourage them to express their emotions, that you don’t force them and, above all, that you give them all the affection they need. In this way, you will help them have all the tools they need to achieve a complete development that benefits them throughout their life.

Little girl lit by the sun

Features of the behavior of quiet children

1. They are not necessarily shy

Being quiet and shyness don’t always go together. In the case of quiet children, what happens is that they  tend to be a little more reserved, but once they are in an environment of trust they behave with great spontaneity.

On the other hand, quiet children have a suspicious attitude. They observe new situations to see what will happen before they face them directly, but as soon as they are in control of the situation there is no one who can stop them.

2. I am always listening and assimilating information

Don’t confuse the quiet nature of children with the fact that they don’t pay attention when you talk to them. These are very observant people, who tend to focus attention on everything around them. And, as a result, they tend to internalize a lot of their feelings and thoughts.

3. They don’t usually talk to strangers

If you observe that your children have difficulty talking to strangers, it is best not to force them to deal with these situations, as it can be very difficult for them.

Help them, in a subtle and empathic way, to overcome this difficulty and gradually get them out of their comfort zone. While talking to an unfamiliar person is not a priority, you should try to encourage them to intervene in everyday situations, such as ordering in a restaurant or asking for candy in a store.

4. There are many things beyond this silent aspect

As the little ones grow up and start reading and writing, it is a good time to realize that  inside their heads quiet children think and feel a lot of things.

Quiet children don’t always go and talk about all their thoughts and feelings to their parents. This is not bad, but you need to have some attention. To help them feel more comfortable, you can encourage them to write a journal or come up with stories, to realize that they often know more than you imagined.

Trip to the lake

5. They don’t feel the need to be the center of attention

Quiet children don’t need attention. They prefer personal interaction. As a result, they don’t feel attracted to the idea of ​​being the center of attention on social occasions.

6. They need to tell you about their hopes and dreams

Quiet children  want someone to really listen to them, without judging them and without recriminations or advice. They want to be in a relationship with their teachers, instructors, or other adults in their life. So that you don’t have to miss the opportunity to get close to them and hear what they have to tell you.

Try to talk to them about things that are important to them, not just those that are important to you. The best thing you can do with quiet children is to find out what motivates them and invite them to talk about it.

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