Crying In Pregnancy Is Normal, That’s Why

It happens to everyone to cry during pregnancy: the reasons are different and we explain them here.
Crying in pregnancy is normal, here's why

Are you pregnant and you start crying at any moment? Do not worry. Future mothers break down in tears often and for different reasons. This is a completely normal phenomenon. Crying in pregnancy happens to everyone, and we will explain why.

Pregnancy always brings great consequences for the woman, causing her several physical changes. In addition, it can also affect your mood. Due to the hormonal changes generated by pregnancy, many women suffer from sudden mood swings.

Pregnancy is a kind of great revolution for any woman’s body. Some future mothers, especially those in their first experience, feel overwhelmed by their emotions. This is why crying in pregnancy is so common.

future mothers live a unique and unrepeatable experience

It happens to everyone to cry during pregnancy

Many pregnant women suddenly start crying for incredible reasons. Any mishap, however strange or ridiculous it may seem to us, can be the source of a disaster of enormous proportions. For example, it could be simply because you forgot to add salt to a dish. It could also be a reaction to a movie being seen on television.

Not being able to eat a certain food because you are pregnant or not having any food at home can lead to a terrible drama. As well as the possibility that at a given moment something could go wrong, from the most foolish to the most important eventuality.

The partner, friends and family must always be very patient. All they can do is stoically endure these mood swings. If they don’t listen to her problems, the woman will feel misunderstood. All of these emotional changes, however, are bound to pass through love and patience.

Generally, the first trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by constant physical discomfort which can affect the mood of the woman. Fears appear and that uncontrollable desire to cry arises. Pregnant women are more receptive and transmit this sensitivity to those around them.

It is very important for future mothers that the people around them understand their situation. Your partner, friends, and family need to be patient and understanding. The woman must also have confidence in her gynecologist and her general practitioner, so that she can dispel all doubts and fears that arise in the course of pregnancy.

If the state of mind of the pregnant woman is worrying and her daily life is seriously affected, it is necessary to ask the doctor for psychological support to prevent all this from turning into depression. Do not hesitate and consult with your family doctor before the situation turns into a major problem.

future mothers suffer from sudden mood swings

The fears of pregnancy

Many women spend much of their pregnancy plagued by great fears. They are especially concerned that the birth is going well. This constant state of fear can create situations of stress and anxiety, which lead to crying during pregnancy. Mothers-to-be worry that the baby is healthy at birth. But also of the possibility of not being able to breastfeed your child. And, at times, they are distressed by the idea of ​​any problems in returning to work after maternity leave, or not returning to recover their physical shape.

Sometimes,  pregnant women are excessively influenced by comments made by other mothers or grandmothers regarding their pregnancies or their births. Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by the experiences of others, for there is no reason why something like this should happen to you. And don’t worry about what you read in magazines or on the Internet either. Every pregnancy and every birth is different.

the expectation of a child

Small oversights

Many pregnant women can also suffer from “momnesia”, which is the amnesia of mothers, which consists of frequent loss of memory. This problem may occur from 26 to week of pregnancy until the year of the child’s life. It involves frequent forgetting of tasks, information or experiences of daily life. For example, we may forget our house keys or not remember where we spent the afternoon the day before.

According to numerous scientific studies,  these oversights are due to high levels of hormones, such as prolactin, estradiol, progesterone and cortisol. After childbirth and breastfeeding, oxytocin comes into play, which intervenes in the mother’s connection with the baby. In addition, this hormone is increased due to lack of sleep during pregnancy and the first months of the baby’s life.

According to specialists, the mother focuses her attention on the newborn so much that she forgets what she does not consider as a priority. Mothers never forget to take care of their baby at any time. Nor of its multiple needs, such as nutrition and medicine. Sometimes, however, small oversights may occur, such as watering the plants or phoning a friend for her birthday.

Constant changes in mood and small forgetfulness are a completely normal phenomenon for many pregnant women and new mothers. Don’t give them any importance and try to enjoy your pregnancy at all times. It is a magical moment that will not be repeated.

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