The Emperor Syndrome: Children Tyrants

The emperor syndrome: child tyrants

Child tyrants are those little landlords who command and dispose as they please, and certainly not with kisses, coaxing and caresses. Child tyrants, as the term implies, are masters of space and the people around it. Their dictatorship is such that the family often falls apart.

These little ones measure a few tens of centimeters, yet their command reaches unsuspected heights.

They physically and psychologically attack adults and manipulate them to such an extent that it appears as if they are actually adults masquerading as children Their intelligence goes beyond that of their parents to the point of considering them child prodigies.

Child tyrants are the faithful representatives of the emperor syndrome, a problem that plagues many families of this century.

The emperor syndrome

Emperor syndrome is a behavioral disorder caused by mismanagement and poor education received by children.

It should be understood that by lack of education we refer to:

  • Satisfy all the wishes of children from a very young age
  • Be not authoritative
  • Bend to their whims
  • To endure their scenes in silence and in the end indulge them
  • Demanding little
  • Being overprotective
  • Be permissible and even applaud their “pranks”
  • Don’t put limits
  • Give little discipline
  • Reward them too much and above all for the responsibilities and duties that all children should have
  • Give them little affection

This type of attitude is believed to give children the power to be kings of the home, the center of the family universe.

These children grow up with the idea that they deserve everything and that they must do what they command. Dad and mom are by their side to respect their orders, whatever they are.

Emperor syndrome is dominant in children who provoke and challenge their parents, who mistreat them, and who become aggressive in the face of any rejection.

It is essential to clarify that the emperor syndrome does not only highlight the bad education that children receive.

Numerous experts assure that it also has a genetic component and is influenced by the individualistic, competitive and selfish society that plagiarizes them.

Behavioral disorders of child tyrants

We have already mentioned some of the behavioral disorders of child tyrants, but below we want to make the complete list of all the negative behaviors associated with them.

Emperor syndrome is associated with minors:

  • excessively irritable that we get angry easily
  • aggressive, verbally and even physically abusing their parents when their wishes are not met
  • authoritarian
  • with little tolerance to frustration
  • provocateurs, who like to prove themselves strong
  • self-centered
  • little empathic and compassionate with those around
  • selfish
  • intolerant to obstacles
  • who do not like to make an effort, they demand to have everything at hand
  • anxious
  • who hardly feel guilt, repentance or remorse: they are practically unable to develop awareness of their negative actions
  • impulsive
  • at worst, they can even commit acts of cruelty

What can the family do to put a stop to tyrannical children?

The family teaches values ​​by giving the best example to their children, with love and patience.

But sometimes love and patience aren’t the best instructors. When it comes to  “putting tyrannical children in line”, an iron fist is the only way to achieve the goal.

It must be understood that an iron fist does not mean beating them, pulling their ears, slapping them, slapping them, shaking them … Violence generates only hatred and other violence.

Educating child tyrants with an iron fist means teaching them what the word discipline means.

As always, acting in the right moment and in the right way shortens and paves the way.

If you suspect that you are raising tyrannical children, we recommend that you seek the help of a specialized psychologist first, but also that you adopt these methods.

Children who are tyrants or who are becoming tyrants must feel the firmness of their parents. If you tell them they can’t eat something, it’s because they really can’t. You have to keep your word.

Punishments must not remain only reproaches. Children tyrants are not enough, indeed, reproaches are often a joke.

Reproaches must be adopted that truly amount to punishment for them. Depriving them of a video game, going out on the weekend and so on.

If they are to be punished, they must be explained why. It is necessary to show the damage they have caused and all that their bad behavior has involved.

Finally,  privileges must be granted when they deserve them. If they have done nothing to achieve their goals, if they do not strive to surpass themselves, be better and work with common sense, they should neither be rewarded nor praised.

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