Worried About The Arrival Of The Baby? Guide For The First Days

Worried about the arrival of the baby?  Drive for the first few days

The arrival of the baby can generate anxiety and tension, and as the day of delivery approaches these emotional states intensify. Therefore we must take all due precautions so that they do not become an obstacle to this wonderful event.

Bringing a child into the world is very important. Receiving the new family member in a harmonious and peaceful environment requires organization.

We must control the unpleasant feeling of fright to make way for the tranquility that will allow us to finish things pending before birth.

It is natural to be disoriented and distressed when we come home for the first time with our baby in our arms. We are inexperienced and have doubts about fundamental issues such as nutrition, bathing, how to calm the crying. Don’t be mad, all new mothers have these moments.

Get organized before the baby arrives 

Belly with watch, waiting for the baby to arrive

When the baby is born, it becomes the center of our attention. Getting organized before the event is absolutely necessary and will make it easier for the family to function the first few days (which are often quite complicated as we adjust).

Below are various recommendations to consider so that these first few days are not so critical.

  • Food: prepare and perhaps freeze some foods or keep telephone numbers of restaurants with home service at hand.
  • Get everything you need for the baby : diapers, wet wipes, etc. This will avoid logistical complications once the baby is home.
  • Clothes: wash in advance and organize everything the little one will wear in the first days
  • Household Cleaning: Using disposable dishes and glasses for family food consumption will help keep the house clean
  • Health Insurance: Reviewing your health insurance will avoid any last-minute setbacks or problems

Guide for the first days of the baby’s arrival

It is helpful to consider the following issues once your baby is home.

  • Regular visits: continuous visits can disturb the peace of our child, establishing visiting hours for family and friends is essential.
  • Follow the rhythm of the newborn: a newborn can be very demanding during the night as it must be breastfed, so take advantage of the baby’s sleep to rest, to avoid being tired and sleepy.
  • Delegate tasks: If we have to run errands, clean our house or do any other task other than focusing on the baby, it is good to delegate it to someone who is willing to cooperate, it is very important these days.
  • Take care of nutrition: time is often limited and healthy eating and not skipping meals is essential,  staying strong even more if you are breastfeeding.
  • Trust your instincts: understanding what can bother the baby can be complicated, since it communicates everything through crying, if you suspect the reason follow your instincts, you will almost always be right.

    Baby’s need for the first few days

    hand in hand when the baby arrives

    The arrival of the baby must be planned. Here are some conditions.

    1. Place his crib in a place in the house where it is easy to manage the baby.
    2. Babies when feeding tend to ingest a lot of air, expelling gases for 5 minutes will avoid this discomfort.
    3. Gently disinfect the umbilical cord.
    4. Change the diaper every two to three hours.
    5. The baby’s clothing must be comfortable and easy to put on in order to annoy him as little as possible.

    The first few days are usually not easy, one has to adapt to the other and this process can be long. If you feel tired, ask for help from a family member or friend who will no doubt be willing to help you with love. 

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