Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Pelvic pain during pregnancy

Pelvic pain during pregnancy is one of the most common manifestations that appear during the gestation process. It is also known as the diastasis of the pubic symphysis.

Although it can occur at any time during gestation, its incidence tends to be higher in the third trimester of pregnancy. Phase in which the body begins to prepare for the time of delivery.

In this article we will explain  why pelvic pain occurs during pregnancy. In addition, we will give you some tips that will help you prevent or relieve the discomfort that causes this condition.

What is the cause of pelvic pain during pregnancy?

Although the body always prepares naturally for the approaching birth, it is not always the only cause that determines the onset or intensity of pain. Many factors can promote pelvic pain during pregnancy. And, depending on the various factors, this pain can be more or less intense. 

To understand how other factors can affect the onset of pelvic pain during pregnancy, first you need to know that the pelvis is basically made up of two parts. These are found connected by means of a joint called the pubic symphysis.

Well, as the time of delivery approaches, in the last two months of pregnancy, the body releases a hormone called relaxin in the pelvic area. Whose function is to loosen the ligaments of this area.

In addition, it  exerts an effect that makes the pubic symphysis more elastic. By causing the pelvic bones to separate more to allow the baby to pass through during delivery.

Pain in the pelvis during pregnancy

If the separation of the pelvic bones is large, it can become a diastasis of the pubic symphysis. This condition will not only depend on the degree of separation of the bones already mentioned but also on other factors. Both related to pregnancy and prior to it.

Some common factors that intensify pelvic pain during pregnancy

The size of the belly

Whether it is due to the size of the fetus, a twin pregnancy or simply a natural disposition, some women come to have above average belly growth during pregnancy.

This means that as pregnancy progresses and with the consequent increase in the belly, the pelvis begins to suffer more and more from the weight it supports. Which depending on the degree can intensify the pain.

Pre-existing overweight

Pelvic pain during pregnancy can also appear due to pre-existing overweight at the beginning of gestation.

This can accentuate the load that the pelvis supports and cause,  even without a diastasis of the pubic symphysis, the weight itself generates a groin (hernia in the pubis). Which occurs will cause pain in the area.

Daily efforts

Even the daily muscular effort by pregnant women can, without giving other previous symptoms, lead to a groin pain.

Musculoskeletal disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders can cause inflammation in the pelvis area or even weaken the bones and ligaments that support the belly to a greater or lesser extent. Thus causing pain in the pelvis during pregnancy.

Usually, pelvic pain during pregnancy is not due to a single cause, especially if it is severe pain. This is the result of both an excess separation of the pelvic bones and a combination of other factors which, directly or indirectly, cause increased pressure or sensitivity in the pelvic area.

Tips for relieving or preventing pelvic pain during pregnancy

  • Pelvic band.  Using a pelvic band can help put less pressure on this area, easing pain and making the pregnant woman’s daily activities easier. If used early in pregnancy, it can help prevent pelvic pain caused by overload.

Pelvic fascia example

  • Exercise the pelvic area.  There are exercises that focus on exercising the pelvic area during pregnancy, with the aim of having a simpler and less painful birth. These exercises allow you to strengthen the ligaments of the pubic symphysis. So that this is more flexible when it comes time to stretch during gestation.
  • Hydrotherapy.  It allows you to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis during pregnancy and is particularly useful when the pain is already present. Relieves the burden on the pelvic and back joints. In addition, it  helps to strengthen the joints of these areas thanks to the resistance that the muscles generate when moving in the water.
  • Take special measures during pregnancy.  In addition to saying that avoiding vigorous exercise can help prevent pelvic pain during pregnancy, other things are needed. These include  maintaining a comfortable posture, avoiding the use of high heels, and minimizing all tasks that involve carrying a weight or bending over.
  • Analgesics. Using analgesics to calm pelvic pain during pregnancy  is an emergency option, a last resort. It is especially recommended when the pain is very intense or significantly interferes with daily activities.

General consideration

Especially if the woman is already in the third trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended that to perform any exercise for the pelvis, follow the instructions of a professional physiotherapist directly.

This is to avoid a lesson from overexertion or poor execution of an exercise. This can aggravate the present or future situation of pelvic pain during pregnancy.

Likewise, it is important that any pain medications have been prescribed by your doctor. So that you can receive the necessary information from him and be sure that you are taking something that does not harm the baby during gestation.

Self-medicating during pregnancy carries with it great risks for the development of the baby and for the health of the mother.

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