Benefits Of Plasticine For Children

Benefits of plasticine for children

Plasticine is great entertainment for children. It allows them to let their imagination fly and create all kinds of figures. In the next few lines, we explain the benefits.

Plasticine is one of the most popular activities among the little ones. For this reason, we will take advantage of this article to review what are the benefits of plasticine for children, both in terms of learning and the fun it offers.

Without a doubt, plasticine is one of the favorite games for little ones and  is ideal for those parents looking for creative ideas to entertain their children. Furthermore, the manipulation of this material contributes to the development of the child’s fine motor skills.

The creation possibilities it offers are limitless, which  allows your child to spend hours of fun without getting bored, while applying his creativity and imagination. Among other things, it will allow him to invent stories, create characters, animals and even geometric shapes.

Benefits of plasticine for children

The benefits of plasticine for children are manifold.

1. More focused and creative children

Plasticine promotes children’s concentration and creativity. Kneading, softening, separating and returning to join the pieces, they pay attention to size and proportions.

Plasticine educates children in the use of fingers and hands

2. They develop fine motor skills

The manipulation of this material  allows children to develop fine motor skills, through training in the use of hands and fingers.

It also makes it easier for kids to use pencils and trace letters when it comes time to do their own writing. In this sense, it is believed that its use is an indirect preparation for writing.

3. They learn to express themselves and communicate

plasticine is a very basic means of expression and communication. Keep in mind that hand contact is actually the baby’s first form of communication.

From the moment of birth,  touch is the means by which feelings are communicated and, undoubtedly, represents one of the main tools of non-verbal communication between a child and his parents. In addition, it allows children to understand their limitations.

4. Means of expression

When they feel trapped, frustrated or worried about the challenges of life, using plasticine allows children to free their thoughts and emotions, forgetting old, destructive or unproductive habits. At the same time,  plasticine can be helpful in releasing tension, frustration and aggression.

5. Externalize the most intimate emotions

The use of this material gives the child the opportunity to express a great variety of emotions. Plasticine is malleable and, as a result, can transform into whatever the child wishes. This fact allows him to express his innermost emotions and thoughts.

6. Improve self-esteem

Working with playdough can be rewarding for children who have doubts about their creativity, as it  will help them have greater self-esteem and improve their self-acceptance.

Certainly it takes very little specific skill to use plasticine and, as a result, there is no chance of failing. This makes the children judge themselves capable of participating in a useful activity.

7. Creations that last over time

Another benefit of plasticine for children is that its creations are tangible and can be examined at a later stage. In this way it is possible to admire them more than once.

8. Distinction between colors and shapes

The distinction of colors and shapes allows children to learn to distinguish different shades of color. Furthermore, the manipulation of this material allows them to rejoin it, separate it and join it again, which will allow them to understand the difference in size.

Thanks to plasticine, children can free their imagination

9. Relaxation

Without a doubt,  it is a plastic and manual activity that relaxes and soothes children. As a result, it can turn into a wonderful relaxation therapy for any child who is going through a time of stress or tension.

10. Personality development

The last of the plasticine benefits for children that we describe is  the development of personality and their own tastes. Plasticine allows the child to express his personal tastes, while imagining, creating and materializing his thoughts by giving shape to his favorite figures or by choosing the colors he likes best.

As you have seen, the benefits of plasticine for children are numerous. As a mother, it is essential that you take into account the fact that this material, thanks to the large number of colors, textures  and aromas it offers, is ideal for awakening the minds of the little ones.

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