Medical Check-ups In The First Year Of Your Baby

Many parents wait for their baby to get sick before taking them to the doctor. During his first year of age, however, it is important to have him undergo regular medical checks. Here’s what they are.
Medical check-ups in the first year of your baby

Your baby’s first year of life may go by much faster than you anticipated. Her journey will soon have completed an important cycle, at the end of which your child will begin to become independent. During this time, many things can come in, both good and bad. Consequently, frequent medical check-ups are extremely important.

Sometimes, parents in their first experience exaggerate in dispensing care and attention, while sometimes, instead, they let themselves be carried away by the routine. It is common for some parents to wait for their child to get sick before seeking medical attention, but prevention is also very important. However, you shouldn’t overdo it and go to the pediatrician when faced with the simplest and most banal situations.

According to the data provided by the Statistical Health System, the main causes of mortality appear in childhood. In other words, a condition that begins to develop in childhood could cause more serious damage over time.

Consequently, the goal of medical checks on healthy children is to identify any pathologies. In addition, they also serve to deal with some functions that do not exhibit regular behavior.

Models of medical checks in the first year of a baby’s life

medical checks in the first year of life are very important

The pediatric check-ups of your baby’s first year of life are different according to the stage in which the patient is. There are therefore models for evaluating babies and children, according to cycles ranging from zero to 23 months. The general objectives are as follows:

  • Reduce infant morbidity and mortality through prevention
  • Creating healthy habits within the family
  • Raise awareness on issues relating to environmental and social health
  • Preventing infectious diseases through vaccination
  • Identify congenital anomalies and pathologies that present a high risk factor

The following is a schedule of medical checkups for the infant community between 0 and 23 months.

Recognition of the newborn

The newborn baby needs a medical check-up within the first ten days after birth. During this evaluation, the first contact is made between the parents, the pediatrician and the nursing staff. After the baby is five days old, the famous heel test is carried out in health centers.

This test is used to determine the presence of phenylketonuria, a disease that is important to treat very early, to prevent it from producing consequences.

Furthermore, during this first checkup, the baby’s medical file is created. For this purpose, it is necessary to take note of the mother’s background for everything related to the motherhood process. Similarly, data on gestation and birth are recorded, as well as family history, the Apgar test, the assessment of breastfeeding and some characteristics regarding the emission of faeces and urine by the newborn.

First month of life

It is expected that the baby will be checked again when it turns the first month of life. During this checkup, the hepatitis B vaccine is administered to babies of mothers who carry the virus. Data regarding the weight, height and perimeter of the skull are also recorded.

In the first month, auditory and visual assessment of the baby is important. Particular attention is paid to the color of the skin and mucous membranes, in order to rule out the possible presence of dehydration, jaundice and other problems. At the same time, skull formation, neck mobility, reflexes and cardiopulmonary function are evaluated.

Two months

A new evaluation of the baby takes place at the end of the two months of life. This check is necessary even if the baby is healthy. At this stage, the first vaccines begin to be injected and the second dose against hepatitis B is given. In addition, vaccines against poliomyelitis, influenza, tetanus, meningococcus and whooping cough are injected.

Physical assessment allows you to check if the baby’s development is normal for his age. Likewise, the administration of vitamin D is generally prescribed, which is useful in the prevention of rickets.

Fourth month

the goal of medical checks on healthy children is to identify any pathologies

After the fourth month of birth, the administration of vaccines continues. For this reason, the baby must undergo a medical check-up again. During this visit  , subsequent doses corresponding to previous vaccines are usually injected. In addition, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is added.

A physical assessment is conducted, paying special attention to psychomotor characteristics. In addition, genital development, prevention of caries and evaluation of fontanelles and also are checked.

Sixth month check

This check is similar to the one made in the fourth month. Doses of vaccines against hepatitis B, whooping cough, influenza, diphtheria, tetanus and other diseases are continued. Psychomotor development is assessed and information on eating patterns is provided,  because it is usually from this period that complementary nutrition begins.

9 months

In general, during its ninth month of life, the baby receives its last mandatory check-up of the first year of life. The rest of the visits are usually made in cases of medical emergency. During this check, particular attention is paid to the baby’s nutrition.

In addition, there are aspects relating to the hygiene of the baby. Similarly, the emphasis is on prevention of passive smoking; in other words, on the possible frequent contact of the child with some smoker.

Recommendations are given on strengthening the child’s self-esteem and autonomy. Furthermore, this phase is of primary importance to focus on oral hygiene care, because the baby has now started eating different foods.

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