Choosing Toys According To Age

Choose toys according to age

Choosing toys is not a simple or unimportant task, as they have many benefits for the child’s development. Find out with us which are the most suitable toys for each age.

Who said that choosing the right toys for your children is a simple or unimportant task?

The range of toys on the market is immense and very varied. Furthermore, these items have great benefits for children and therefore it is very difficult to decide which ones are the most suitable. What aspects should we consider when it comes time to choose them?

When the child plays, he sets his psychophysical sphere in motion, which favors the knowledge of himself and of others. In this way, each new toy becomes a challenge or a test to be overcome, with positive effects on auditory and visual attention, synchronization, body posture and much more.

In fact, toys stimulate the intellectual, motor, emotional and social development in the different stages of the child’s growth. The development of the game is gradual and each phase is a continuation of the previous one.


Playing promotes the development and safety of the child

Toys promote the balanced development of the child, from the physical, mental and social spheres. Playing is a way of learning, as children process their own emotional experiences and social roles to develop as adults.

Therefore it  is essential to create a space where the child can play and provide him with the right and necessary toys to give him sensations that enrich his world since he is very young.

Another key factor to consider is safety. There is an age group in which it is more suitable to have fun with certain toys because even if, usually, the damage is not serious, it can sometimes be fatal or have very serious consequences.

Vj will seem over the top, but toys can cause scratches, falls, burns, choking, asphyxiation, or intoxication. For this reason, parents must choose the most suitable toys.

5 tips for choosing the right toys

  1. Make sure they are age-appropriate for your children and encourage the development of certain behaviors.
  2. Make sure they are safe. The material from which the toys are made must not chip, cut or break. Always choose non-toxic colors. The younger your child is, the bigger the toys and pieces they are made of must be.
  3. Try to use simple toys. In this way, you will increase the possibilities of use that the child can make of it, developing his imagination and his symbolic capacity.
  4. Make sure they fit his personality. If, for example, you have a shy child, it is better to choose toys that invite him to socialize, that is, have more than one player. For a hyperactive child, however, we recommend toys that help him focus or stimulate his artistic side.
  5. Remember that having too many toys kills the imagination and is a source of boredom.

child-with-a-toy car

Toys for all ages

  • 0 to 6 months. The newborn needs flashy toys that help him discover his own body and distinguish different textures, shapes and colors. You can choose rattles, carousels, rubber puppets, bite toys, plush balls, interactive mats.
  • 7 to 12 months. The child now begins to explore objects and recognize voices. For this, in addition to choosing toys of different textures and colors, you can add sounds and colored lights. We advise you to buy balls, cloth puppets, sound toys.
  • 13 to 18 months. The child already knows how to walk and recognizes the properties of objects. The cubes to fit together and stack, the bicycles with wheels and the cars are ideal for this phase.
  • 19 to 24 months. The child speaks and understands and begins to explore the environment around him. A good idea are toy cars, blackboards, paints, musical instruments, dolls, animals and other objects that can be pulled along with string. They must be colorful and easy to handle toys, such as interlocking toys or large blocks.
  • From 2 to 3 years old. At this stage of development, the child is curious about names and mimics familiar scenes. We recommend that you choose the following toys: tricycles, balls, spades, cubes, puzzles, paints, phones, toy cars, dolls. Other options are plush dolls, swords, costumes, EVA rubber puzzles, and puzzles with a few large pieces.
  • 4 to 5 years: At this age, the child is curious, learns songs and interacts with peers. We recommend bicycles, blackboards, plastic tools, constructions with large pieces, toy recorders, fairy tales, puppets, articulated puppets, clay.
  • From 6 to 8 years: The child can now add and subtract, read and write. You can give him a scooter, radio-controlled cars, games with questions and experiments, dolls with houses, kitchen or mechanic tools. You can also choose games for which rules must be followed, such as memory, bingo, dice, cards, books with large letters and colored figures, games to complete.
  • From 9 to 11 years old.  In this period an interest in more complicated activities arises and that is why you can buy sports toys, strategy and reflection games, audiovisual and electronic games and experiments. You can also opt for personal journals, coloring books, toy trains, tracks for toy cars, model planes and ships, board games, able to forge their intelligence.

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