How To Tell If Your Baby Is Suffering From Colic

How can you tell if your baby is suffering from colic? Read this article to learn about the symptoms and causes of this common problem.
How to tell if your baby is suffering from colic

Infant colic is a very common disease. They usually start two weeks after birth or, in the case of premature babies, one week later.

It is a condition in which a well-fed baby can cry for more than three hours in a row, every day, for more than three days a week, for more than three weeks.

You can easily tell if your baby suffers from colic, because at this age the symptoms presented are very evident. First, your baby starts to turn red, cries, clenches his fists, arches his back and lifts his knees towards his tummy.

Although colic does not pose a danger to your health, it is very painful for the baby. This is why he cries incessantly.

If your baby is crying without being able to calm down and his pediatrician has already confirmed that his health is good, then it is likely that he is suffering from this temporary condition.

To date, no scientific evidence has been found to indicate that colic can have long-term effects on the baby’s health.

The cause of so many tears and pain is that the baby’s stomach is still immature and is still starting to get used to the nutrition it receives outside the womb. Just like adults, babies can suffer from colic that fill them with gas and cause them severe discomfort and discomfort.

intense crying is a possible sign of colic

Signs of colic

  • Episodes of inconsolable crying. A baby with colic cries every day at almost the same time, usually in the afternoon or during the night. Episodes of colic can last from several minutes to three hours or more.
  • Intense crying. The crying caused by colic is full of anguish and particularly intense, and has a very high tone. The baby’s face can become noticeably red and it is particularly difficult to console the baby.
  • Crying occurs for no apparent reason. It is completely normal for babies to cry. A crying baby may mean that he needs a diaper change or to be fed, but it could also mean that the baby is cold or too hot. However, when crying occurs for no apparent reason, it is most likely caused by colic.
  • Posture change. A baby with colic can keep their fists clenched, legs raised towards the belly, and abdominal muscles tense.

crying with no apparent cause could be caused by colic

Causes of this problem

The following lines list some of the causes that can cause colic in babies who are only a few days or months old.

  • Gastroesophageal reflux. Reflux is a condition in which the baby has stomach acid, due to milk and stomach acid flowing to the esophagus.
  • Digestive problems. Digestive problems can be due to intolerance to proteins and lactose.
  • A still not fully developed digestive system, to which the muscles of the intestine cause spasms.
  • Presence of gas (air) in the intestinal tract.
  • Hormone levels are higher than normal. These hormones are known to cause an agitated mood or stomach pains.
  • Intense sensitivity to environmental stimuli, such as, for example, light, sounds, etc.
  • A nervous system not yet fully developed.
  • Too high or too low temperature.

Thanks to all this information, you can easily understand if your baby is suffering from colic and act accordingly. We remind you that your baby will need all your affection and all the love in the world to be able to feel the calm and security he needs to find relief from his discomfort.

As always, your pediatrician is the person who can offer you the best information that will enable you to help your little one.

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