9 Things You Need To Keep Out Of The Reach Of Children

9 things you need to keep out of the reach of children

Dauntless by nature, our children often put their hands where they shouldn’t. For this reason it is important to keep some items out of the reach of children.

All of us happened to read, on the label of some products: “Keep out of reach of children”. In fact, there are objects that are good to keep safe, so that our children cannot access them. Neglecting this warning can have fatal consequences. Here are some precautions that we absolutely cannot ignore.

9 things you need to keep out of the reach of children

1. Medicine

Such a mistake could have fatal consequences for children. While it is true that drugs are essential, when our little ones get sick, they must always stay out of their reach.

You think it might occur to them to take some syrup or some pills because they got hit while playing, or because they got bitten by an insect. So, you have to be very careful where you leave the medicines.

2. Toxic products

Another thing we need to keep out of the reach of children are toxic products. In other words, if we have a garden and store substances for weeding or plant care, or if we have other products to combat the presence of insects in the house, we must keep them out of their reach.

These products are far more harmful than medicines, because  their deadly effects on children may not involve any kind of treatment.

Just as with toxic products, extreme caution must also be taken with detergents and cleaning products. This category includes elements such as detergents for various surfaces, silver and other metals.

The best way to keep these products out of the reach of children is to keep them locked up. Some choose to place them very high, but there is a risk that children will invent some system to try to reach them. They may end up stacking some chairs or other objects, resulting in them falling and seriously injuring themselves.

Medicines should be kept out of the reach of children: the consequences could be fatal

3. Knives and sharp objects

Knives and other sharp objects should also be kept out of the reach of children. The possibility of our children having access to these tools is very dangerous. They may want to cut a piece of paper or something else and suffer a serious accident.

We must also be careful when we ourselves are present in the house or in the same room. The best precaution is always to keep these objects out of their range.

4. Small objects

During some stages of childhood,  babies bring everything they put their hands on to their mouths. This practice occurs during the oral phase, and is used as a method for discovering new sensations.

Thus, a small object can slip out of their hands and enter the throat directly. There is no need to dwell long or to be a genius to know what could happen: prudence is absolutely essential.

5. Electrical outlets

This is a very important point and it should not be overlooked. Electrical sockets must be covered with safety protections and you must avoid leaving any cables exposed in the house. Children could insert some object into the socket and receive an electric shock which, at best, would make them terrified.

6. Tobacco smoking

Tobacco is enormously toxic to children. Smoking directly damages their growth and can cause serious illness in our little ones.

Hence, we must keep smokers well away from our children. In the event that it is a parent who smokes, it is better that, to do so, go out in the open air.

7. Glass objects

It is no secret to anyone that glass can break and cut. Children, however, may ignore it, or may not be aware of the care that must be taken when handling glass objects. With great ease, they could break them and end up getting a large cut that requires stitches.

8. Tools

Have you noticed that small children hit and throw toys? Imagine leaving a hammer within their reach and they start banging it on the floor or hitting their heads… Not a pleasant prospect. For this reason it  is important to keep all utensils out of the reach of children.

To safeguard the health of the child, the electrical sockets are covered with safety protections

9. The telephone

Would you like your child to put your cell phone down the toilet? Do not leave it within his reach, because a moment of inattention could allow this eventuality to occur. In this sense,  don’t even leave the bathrooms open, or you may find your little one with his head stuck where you least like it.

Following these practical tips can save you a lot of headaches and, above all, a lot of bad times. And then, of course, the care and well-being of our children should always be our first concern.

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