What Are Plant Losses?

When the embryo implants in the uterus, some women may experience blood loss. These bleeds are known as “implantation leaks”.
What are implantation losses?

The main difference between common menstrual loss and implantation losses lies in their duration and in the volume of blood lost. In the following lines we will answer several questions that often arise around this topic.

When and why do plant leaks occur?

When the embryo implants itself in the mucous membrane of the uterus, the trophoblast (the outer layer of the embryo that will give rise to the future placenta) reaches the blood vessels to provide them with adequate nutritional supply. As a result, these losses can occur. The bleeding ends with the complete implantation of the embryo.

Generally, implantation losses appear during the first 10 days of pregnancy. They usually have a very short duration, ranging from 1 to 3 days. After this short period of time, it disappears completely.

What distinguishes them from menstruation?

Their main difference from menstruation is their duration. This means that implant losses end very quickly and have a low volume (few spots). Hence, these are leaks in which very little blood is excreted and which are brown in color instead of red.

If the blood is initially brown in color and then turns red, this is not an implantation leak. In these cases, you can know with certainty that the source of the discharge is menstrual in nature and that, consequently, you are not pregnant.

Blood expelled from implantation leaks is brown in color

Is there any danger if they occur during pregnancy?

No. The leaks only occur because, in the course of the action of implanting itself in the uterus, the egg breaks some blood vessels of the uterus itself. Blood vessels are the ones that release blood, but they have nothing to do with pregnancy.

Some women feel many other symptoms during the days when they experience the discharge. Among the most common, there are the following:

  • Extreme tiredness: it  is a very different feeling from the heaviness you experience during menstruation.
  • Want to vomit when strong odors are detected,  or vomit at certain times.
  • Mood Changes: It  is possible to go through moods such as irritability or extreme sensitivity.
  • Intense need to urinate  frequently.
  • Belly pains:  in most cases, they are of low intensity.
  • Nausea and seasickness.

Symptoms are associated with pregnancy and are the same as those that intensify in the weeks following conception.

What to do when plant leaks occur?

This blood loss must be regarded as a completely normal phenomenon. The woman must avoid worrying and resting, without having to take special precautions. At the same time, women who do not have implantation leakage should not be alarmed, as this is just as normal.

Among the precautions to be taken, it is sufficient to avoid carrying excessive weights and drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking or taking any medication, in the suspicion that it may be a pregnancy.

Do they allow you to rule out the risk of suffering an abortion?

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Implant leakage cannot be taken as a guarantee that the pregnancy will come to fruition. There are women who have had losses and have had a miscarriage weeks later.

Implant losses are a completely normal phenomenon

On the other hand, women who have had these losses during their first pregnancy do not always return to having them in later ones. Likewise, it is possible that they do not occur in the first gestation, but instead occur in the second or third. In this sense, it must be clarified that plant losses are a phenomenon that occurs randomly.

What else do I need to know?

Implantation leaks can be the first sign that you are pregnant and are about to become a mother. However, alone they cannot be considered a clue that gives you the certainty that you are expecting a baby. This can only be told by a gynecologist, ultrasound and pregnancy tests.

Nonetheless, if you have any suspicions that the blood you are excreting may be due to implantation leaks, immediately start taking care of yourself as if you were really pregnant.

Until you receive a medical diagnosis, you need to preserve this treasure. Time, your body and science will tell you if you are wrong and if you can then resume the lifestyle you led previously.

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