Preparing To Become Parents: Small Handbook

Are you about to become a parent and have discovered that there is no parenting instruction manual? Don’t panic, here we help you with some important issues.
Preparing to become parents: a small handbook

How great it would be if there was an instruction manual for preparing to become parents! Unfortunately there is no true, but in this article we want to help you not to be caught off guard.

Many new fathers and mothers go overboard with shopping and completely immerse themselves in this new management of their life while others struggle more. In both cases, you have to accept a truth: you can be wrong.

The challenge of raising a child requires some preparation, but it is never the same for everyone. Preparing to become parents, therefore, means having basic tools and strategies. Most importantly, be mentally positive.

Two of the aspects that need to be prepared in advance are patience and calm. By activating these two modes, everything else comes accordingly.

This is true, for example, when you have to buy the products your baby needs. Acting calmly means making more prudent purchases. At the same time it is important to have patience and to know how to wait for the right moment for everything.

Some things cannot be bought gradually in children’s stores. Others, however, will be needed immediately. Here’s how you can start preparing yourself.

Preparing to become parents: some advice

Attending a course is helpful in preparing to become a parent

Pregnant woman with partner

As we have already said, you don’t learn from books to become a parent. Just as it is unthinkable that it is enough to attend a course. Most prenatal advice will likely be forgotten after the baby is born. Not to mention that not all problems that arise gradually have a textbook solution. Every child is different and parents are different too.

Given these premises, there are several programs designed to help parents in their task. Hospitals, associations or the parish, for example, offer courses and support services.

In these courses, specialized figures will teach you strategies for managing specific conflicts. At the same time they will help you to improve some aspects of your character and to better control your emotions.

The ABC of baby care is a start, and it comes in handy in the first few days. However, we know that practice is always different from theory. These courses provide a smattering of how to handle various family situations, discipline, child care and much more.

Buy essential products

Dad and mom kiss the baby

This aspect is difficult to control, like any other emotion. Many parents tend to overindulge their baby expenses. Especially the new dads let themselves be captivated by the infinite quantity of products offered by the market. 

Your to-do list, however, must also touch on this topic. Being prepared means, among other things, having an essential kit. But what are, among all, the basic products?

When the child arrives home he must be able to rely on, for example, clean, sterilized and cotton clothes and blankets. The quantity is variable, but it is something that cannot be missed. Other key elements are:

  • Sufficient diapers for one week. Don’t overdo the packs of baby diapers though because they will soon stop serving. The medium size is the one that must prevail because you will use it longer.
  • The use of the diaper forces you to keep a soothing cream, talcum powder and hygiene wipes at hand.
  • Cot or basket. Even if you plan to sleep with your baby for some time, it is important that he has a place all to himself. Remember that it is not safe to leave it on the bed if you have to leave the room. In this way he will be able to sleep in the cradle during the day and in all those situations that will force you to stay apart.
  • If you cannot breastfeed, you will need to buy bottle and formula. Formula milk, however, cannot be purchased until directed by the doctor.
  • Child seat for the car.

Emergency room

In addition to attending a parenting course, it is helpful to learn specific first aid techniques. For example, it may be important to know how to give CPR to an infant. It is also advisable to keep medicines at home to use in case of fever or other symptoms that can be treated at home. Remember to provide the medicine cabinet with a nasal aspirator and a baby nail clipper as well.

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