What Is The Kassing Method?

What is the Kassing Method?

Today we will find out what exactly the Kassing method consists of. We will understand what it is for and how to put it into practice. Let’s say right away that those who benefit most from it are the little ones. Let’s start!

Kassing method: what it is and how it works

The Kassing method is a technique for giving the bottle.  With this system we try to make the baby feel the same sensations that he would have if he were receiving milk directly from the mother’s breast.

The method was created years ago by Dr. Dee Kassing. It is based on the attempt to find a very natural way of giving the bottle. In this case, what interests us is to stimulate her grip so that the bottle is not an obstacle to breastfeeding.

This method will ensure that the mother, if she starts feeding him the bottle and then wishes to breastfeed him because she still has milk, she can do it perfectly.

If the baby gets used to bottle feeding effortlessly, it will be more difficult for him to return to breastfeeding. The baby could also refuse the breast because he now prefers the bottle. To avoid this situation, the Kassing method consists in simulating the conditions of adherence and sucking that occur with the mother’s breast.

Characteristics of the bottle

Newborn with baby bottle.

The bottle is a great solution, but if you prefer a mixed feeding system, you may want to use this method.

There are a few things to consider when deciding to bottle feed.

Bottle feeding requires some good hygiene habits. Otherwise, bacterial infections could develop; therefore, it is essential to take care of its cleanliness.

Among the benefits of a bottle is the fact that it will be much easier for the baby to breastfeed, as long as he does not have to make an effort to get the milk he needs.

To put the Kassing method into practice it is important to choose the right teat.  It must be completely round: anatomical teats should be avoided. It also needs to be slow-flowing, with a narrow, soft base, about two inches wide.

You will need to buy a straight, non-curved bottle. Straight bottles make it more difficult for the milk to flow down. The consequence is that the baby has to try harder to be able to breastfeed.

Furthermore, as we said, the teat must be round. This way it will resemble the shape of the mother’s nipple as closely as possible. It will also need to be long, to touch where the hard palate joins the soft palate, just like during breastfeeding.

The teat should be slow-flowing, as this will make the milk flow more slowly. The baby has to try harder, as it would with the mother’s breast. It will also take longer to finish the milk in the bottle. This aspect has some advantages, because, as the intake develops progressively, digestion will also be calmer.

The correct position to give the bottle

Kassing method: newborn with a straight bottle and a round teat.

If the teat is important, so is the posture we have to assume when we give the bottle. With this method, the baby must be in a position that is as sitting and upright as possible. On the contrary, the bottle must be as horizontal as possible.

In this way we will reduce the effect produced by gravity. In addition, the baby will have to exert himself just as if he were being breastfed. He will control the speed and quantity of milk to be ingested. To achieve this, it is recommended to place the baby at a 90 degree angle. You will need to put one hand behind his neck, while the other will support the bottle. Remember to keep the latter in a horizontal position, so that the milk does not reach the mouth directly.

Some breastfeeding experts recommend using syringes or spoons instead of a bottle. This practice is not the most recommendable. If you really have to use it, remember that the best way to do it is to use the Kassing method.

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