How To Educate Children By Example

When we want our child to change our attitude, we have to start with ourselves even if it is often not an easy experience to accept.
How to educate children by example

Today we talk about how to educate children by example. We have heard it repeated so many times that the concept is now familiar to us. It might even seem easy to make. Actually putting it into practice presents a certain degree of difficulty.

Educating children by example is a job that must be done day by day, moment by moment. There is little point in doing it intermittently, also because it could create confusion in the child. Children learn through vicarious learning, so our inconsistent actions will make them hesitate when making a decision.

In short, if we want the child to act well, we will have to start ourselves. Children absorb both good and bad behaviors. The “behaving well” does not materialize by magic or is inherited from grandparents.

Nor is it a question of luck. At the same time, just as our children learn certain behaviors, they can also learn to modify them.

The same goes for adults: becoming good citizens, good human beings, is not taken for granted, it requires constant commitment. Striving to be better people helps us set a good example for the child, and vice versa.

How to educate children by example, a family that cooks

We are a mirror for the child

Children learn by copying: they have a high capacity for observation and imitation. Learning to speak, for example, is an imitative process. Children learn a language simply by listening, observing and imitating. Likewise, thanks to this ability, they learn attitudes, values, personal tastes and habits from us.

The child imitates the behavior of the people around him, so we have a certain influence on his learning. What we say or do in his presence changes his way of thinking and behaving in some way. In fact, we act as a model.

Children imitate everything they see adults do. They learn most of the behavioral patterns from their parents. They also absorb information from the environment in which they grow. This is why it is necessary to enrich them with experiences that teach values ​​and stimulate a sense of responsibility. Their behavior is a reflection of the model they face.

How to educate children by example

When we want our child to change his attitude, we must first analyze our way of being. It is often not an easy experience to accept. Our change will affect the child’s behavior both towards us and towards others

So, if you think your child is unruly, write a list of possible improvements. And start applying them on yourself. It is always a good time to improve.

Mother and daughter read a book

Children believe our claims and act the way we want them to. If we tell a child that he makes too much confusion or noise, he will believe it. He will consider it as a characteristic of his way of being and will tend to make noise. If we tell him that he knows how to play quietly, he will be convinced and will try to play quietly.

  • We pay attention to what we say or do. Not only in the presence of the child, always. If we get used to behaving in a certain way, it will be easier to repeat it in front of our child.
  • We give support: it is a primary need of the child. The support we offer him increases his motivation, helps him to get out of critical situations, to face fear and to endure stress. By supporting him, we extend our hand so that he can solve problems satisfactorily.
  • We praise good behavior. By doing so, the child realizes that he has made a correct decision. If we emphasize his strengths, he will have more confidence in himself because he will feel like a person capable of making good choices.

“The only way to educate is to lead by example, even if it is sometimes a scary example.”

– Albert Einstein –

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