Baby Scent: Why Is It So Good?

Baby perfume: why is it so good?

Few things are as pleasant as the scent of babies. All mothers know this and they also know that, in reality, it has little to do with the “passion” we have for our children. It is a smell that tastes of vanilla, purity and charm, but it has a scientific explanation.

There are those who say that this unmistakable fragrance is linked to talcum powder and the delicate soap with which the clothes are washed. But is not so. The scent of newborns is something that accompanies them for several years and that, moreover, helps us to strengthen the emotional bond with them.

Perhaps not everyone knows this, but smell is probably the most developed sense in the human being. Just remember that the nerve structure that processes smells in our brain is also connected to emotions. For this reason, at times, the perception of smells evokes certain sensations.

We at Siamo Mamme want to share this fascinating topic with you.

The scent of babies is never forgotten

The scent of babies is something very real that remains forever imprinted. The explanation is simple: newborn sweat glands are not yet active. Their sweating mechanisms don’t work like adults: they don’t sweat like we do.

mom sniffs baby

The apocrine glands that adults have secrete odorous substances responsible for the characteristic and annoying odor of areas such as, for example, the armpits, which we try to attenuate every day with deodorants. Of course, babies also sweat, but their sebaceous secretions are very low compared to those of adults for a few years.

Usually, when they reach puberty, things start to change. However, even if the smell of their skin changes little by little, we can enjoy an exceptional fragrance for some time.

What if the newborn smells unpleasant?

  • This data is very important. If a baby sweats abnormally and the sweat smells unpleasant, it is best to see your pediatrician right away, as they may have a hormonal problem.
  • Likewise, if your baby is sweating without being overly covered, you should call the doctor, as this is not normal in young children and could be a warning sign for heart problems.

Women like the scent of babies

It is a very interesting curiosity. According to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, both mothers and childless women find the characteristic smell of newborns pleasant. Many compare it to the scent of a chocolate or vanilla cake.

mom holds newborn baby in her arms

Perhaps this surprises you but, in reality, everything has a scientific explanation:

  • Smelling a baby’s head stimulates a whole range of neurotransmitters that immediately secrete dopamine. After a few seconds there is a very pleasant sensation.
  • It is as if the brain rewarded us for smelling this smell, because it is interpreted as something good, which strengthens us as a “species”, precisely because it activates our need for attention and love towards a newborn.

As we can see, our organism is perfectly organized and the sense of smell is, without a doubt, one of the most developed senses. The scent of babies works as a “catalyst”, as a mechanism for strengthening the bond between mother and child. And there is more. It is not necessary to be a “mother of a child” to feel the same pleasure and to feel that we must take care of him, give him affection.

Even children don’t forget the smell of their mother

We will never forget the smell of our baby, but he too will have “engraved” the smell of our skin in the brain, almost instinctively.

  • The most developed sense in infants is smell. Thanks to this, they are able to move in our arms to find the breasts.
  • The smell of our skin gives it security and well-being. This explains why they feel so much relief when we pick them up, when we hug them and try to calm them at night, when they wake up crying.
  • When children are very young, particularly strong perfumes or soaps should not be used. They are annoying to them. In fact, it may happen that they prefer “unwashed” breasts or where we have not applied soap.

mom hugs and sniffs newborn

As a final figure, it is important to point out that many dads also like and find the smell of babies pleasant. According to a study by scientist Johan Lundstrom, of the Monell Chemical Center in the United States, they too develop this intimate bond with babies, just like mothers do.

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