Asking For Forgiveness: Even Parents Are Wrong

Asking for forgiveness: even parents make mistakes

Knowing how to ask for forgiveness is fundamental, because even parents make mistakes. It can happen that sometimes you get a “ Shut up! “Or” Enough! All you do is annoy me! “. Words that come out in moments of despair and that immediately afterwards break the heart for the mere fact of having pronounced them. This is because a parent knows when they have not behaved correctly.

No one is immune from error when raising and bringing up a child. The super mom and super dad don’t exist, there are only humans who, as such, sometimes make mistakes. It can be due to fatigue, stress or simply the inexperience of the early days.

But you don’t have to blame yourself too much. When you realize that you have not treated your son or daughter well, there is only one solution: ask for forgiveness and make up for it. Relieve crying, bewilderment and teach the little one that sometimes even grown-ups make mistakes.

Today we propose a reflection on this topic that we are sure will help you.

Those moments when “you are not enough”

It is often repeated to us that with the education of a child the important thing is not to repeat the mistakes that parents have made with us. You stress that every detail is perfect, your children succeed in everything you could not do, have what you lacked.

All of this is commendable. However, we need to clarify one thing. Raising a child does not mean obsessing over what you want for him, but focusing on what the child needs. Each day will be a new challenge. There will be days when your children will be curious, insistent, pretentious and rebellious.

It is normal for you to make mistakes at times. Nobody has the perfect parent’s handbook. Nonetheless, there are some tricks up your sleeve that you can use.

Asking for forgiveness: tired mother

Have patience

If you don’t have patience, you may not be ready to have children. Nothing in the world will test your patience, love, empathy, consideration and tolerance more than a child. Patience is not learned from a book. You have it or not.

  • Mothers and fathers who do not have the aptitude for patience become demanding.
  • A demanding parent generates stress and insecurity in the small. You must take into account that each child has his own pace of maturation and his needs. If you demand things that they actually cannot give you, you will go through the entire growth path frustrated.

When you are wrong, your child will let you know

You will be able to understand it in the same moment. When a child feels neglected, disappointed and constantly scolded, it can be read in his face. 

  • You will notice it immediately. Thanks to the deep bond that binds you, you will immediately be able to realize where you have gone wrong and if you have misapplied an educational strategy.
  • Sometimes you think you are doing your child good. Despite good faith, sometimes this is not the case. If your child is afraid of the dark, don’t ridicule their fear; in the same way, if he pees in bed, don’t scold him harshly.

These are examples of how the mother or the apparently wrong approach with their children without wanting to.

Asking for forgiveness: mother and child

The importance of asking for forgiveness from children

Teach your children to say good morning, to give thanks when they ask for something, and to forgive when someone apologizes to them. Do you think that adults have no obligation to apologize when they are wrong? They do.

Adults too must be able to ask for forgiveness when they do not behave well. It is a duty and a right towards your children. Apologizing is what makes you human, it makes you parents who put the welfare of their children before theirs, it makes you loving and affectionate. Be better for your children every day.

Here are some of the most common mistakes to be aware of.

  • You do not behave well if you make promises that you do not keep.
  • You deceive your child when you are not an example.
  • You don’t behave well when you shout.
  • Never make comparisons with other children.
  • Never ridicule, correct or criticize your child in public.
  • Don’t tell him he’s clumsy, that he “can’t do it”, that he “doesn’t know”. Teach him that he can do anything.
  • Never tell him “you’re bothering me”. Better to answer him with “Mom is busy, wait a moment and then I’ll give you all the attention you need”.
  • You do not behave well when you do not answer the child’s questions. It doesn’t matter whether they are nonsense, many or strange. For the little one, your opinion is important, you represent his guide, the voice that sweeps away all doubts.

ask for forgiveness: mother and child embraced

Be patient with yourself and forgive yourself if you sometimes make mistakes. The important thing is that every day you strive to do better.

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