Diet In Pregnancy: The Benefits Of Carrots

Carrots in pregnancy offer many benefits to both the health of the mother and that of the fetus. Besides, they are good and cheap!
Diet in pregnancy: the benefits of carrots

Carrot is one of the vegetables that must never be missing in your diet, especially if you are pregnant. Today we are going to talk to you about the benefits of carrots in pregnancy.

Carrot brings an incredible amount of benefits to expectant mothers and babies, so doctors insist on including it in your diet.

Among the main beneficial elements of carrots in pregnancy, organic iron is highlighted, which the body absorbs easily, favoring the increase of red blood cells in the blood and keeping hemoglobin levels stable. Its power is in fact so impressive that it surpasses that of spinach, another important source of iron.

Carrots contain organic iron which helps fight anemia.

Generally, starting in the second or third month, doctors prescribe vitamin supplements that include iron because hemoglobin levels drop. 

In addition, the amount of blood circulating in the body is greater, so you will need to take additional doses of this element in order to avoid anemia, which is associated with premature births.

Carrots in pregnancy: a great help for health

benefits of carrots in pregnancy

In addition to being composed of one of the most important minerals for pregnancy, the carrot contains other essential elements for the development of your little one:

  • Iodine : This mineral directly affects the endocrine system, to make the thyroid hormones do their work on the development of the fetus and its brain. It also performs another important task in certain metabolic functions such as, for example, maintaining body temperature.
  • Vitamin A : helps avoid infections, prevents placental abruption and promotes proper development of the baby.
  • Carotenoids : protect the adipose areas of the baby, such as eyes, brain, liver, skin. In addition, they fortify your immune system, maximizing your defenses.
  • Calcium : strengthens your little one’s bones and protects your teeth.
  • Betacarotene : protects the body from free radicals, but also has an antioxidant power.
  • Vitamin C : prevents infections that can harm the fetus.

Carrots are readily available in any supermarket and quite inexpensive. Plus, you can make very easy recipes for you and the new family member.

How to make the most of these benefits?

juices in pregnancy

Here are some tips to make the most of all the benefits of carrots in pregnancy:

  • Prepare a good natural fruit juice by adding carrots: this will decrease the chances that your little one will suffer from neonatal jaundice, which occurs due to the increase in bilirubin as a result of liver changes.
  • Do not drink tea or coffee : these drinks contain polyphenols which reduce the absorption of iron.
  • From nature to mouth : if you can consume raw carrot, even better. This way, you will absorb all the vitamins and help you avoid constipation.
  • Carrot leaves : prepare a salad with this part of the carrots to purify your body in this very special moment.

Try to eat a portion of carrots for lunch and one for dinner; if you want an idea for a healthy snack: cut a carrot into strips and eat it without problems. Rest assured, this way you are giving only the best to your baby.

If you have a lot of cravings, eat carrot strips as a snack.

From the first moment you discover that you are waiting for the love of your life, you become a mom. So you will need to change certain eating habits and adopt healthier ones to ensure that you and your baby are healthy.

The growth of this angel who is coming depends on you: if you are well, he too will feel well!

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