Tips For Organizing The Day During The Quarantine

How can we organize the day during the quarantine? Through this article, we would like to share some tips with you to make the days of isolation more enjoyable for us.
Tips for organizing the day during the quarantine

There are now many weeks of lockdown made necessary by the constant threat represented by the spread of Covid-19, and the need to leave the house is beginning to be felt more and more. For this purpose, in order not to let your guard down and avoid falling into boredom or a state of malaise, it is very important to be able to organize the day well during the quarantine.

We are always at home …

We are sure it happens to all of us. We feel that the days of quarantine are becoming increasingly heavy and monotonous, and there are many sensations we experience as the hours go by. At times we feel bored or oppressed, without clearly understanding why.

On the contrary, there are some hours of the day during which we are particularly energetic and optimistic. We work hard to find activities to indulge in and enjoy family company.

To avoid these emotional ups and downs that can sometimes cause us a little anxiety, we need to organize each day of the quarantine. In this way, every morning, when we get out of bed, we will already know what we need or want to do.

And by doing so, we can make the days of isolation we have left to not only become more bearable, but also more productive. And they will pass more quickly.

Getting organized is the fundamental aspect

In order to combat the threat posed by the coronavirus, we must respect the rules and take care of ourselves and others. And, for this purpose, we can read and learn something new every day. We need to exercise our attention, our memory and our ability to concentrate.

Also, we need to eat properly and do some sport to keep fit, release endorphins and improve our enthusiasm and optimism. And, to achieve this, there is no better recipe than organizing each day of quarantine well.

confinement at home should not be an opportunity to neglect one's physical form

So, if organizing means preparing something by pausing to think carefully about all the details necessary for its correct execution, this is exactly what we need to do. We must organize and plan each quarantine day to be able to maintain a calm and positive attitude. And it is possible to achieve this by setting goals, tasks and activities to be achieved and carried out.

Tips for organizing the day during the quarantine


Forecasting is a key aspect. Thus, predicting what the next day’s lunch will be each evening is a form of organization. All of this will help us, when the time comes, to avoid eating quickly prepared and unhealthy food. Furthermore, planning menus prepares us in a positive way to face the task of cooking, considering it a daily activity that is not only a duty, but, above all, a pleasure.

Also, the ideal would be to plan all meals each week and compile a shopping list that includes everything we might need. This is a great way to take advantage of all the food we have available without having to throw anything away and be forced to go out often to do the shopping.

Set goals and objectives as a way to organize your day during the quarantine

Another important aspect to consider in organizing each day during the quarantine is to set goals or objectives. In this way we will have the feeling of having some commitment every day to dedicate ourselves to, which focuses our concentration.

In this sense, a goal or objective can be represented by teleworking or doing some housework, such as tidying up clothes or books. We can also organize old photos that have accumulated in the phone, play sports or see some chapters of the various series we are following.

In addition, we can also schedule some type of learning activity, such as brushing up on some language, taking an online course, or attending lectures or teleconferences on topics that we like or are interested in.

Respect the timetables

We talked about setting goals and objectives as a tool to organize the day during the quarantine. In the same way, it is also very important that the tasks and activities we decide to dedicate ourselves to every day occupy us a specific time, without interfering with other activities related to our basic needs or, in other words, with meals or with the moments we dedicate to rest.

meditating and relaxing is very useful to organize the day with serenity during the quarantine

It is good that, during these days of quarantine, we respect certain schedules and maintain a homogeneous routine every day. In this way it will be easier for us to concentrate and live our daily life relatively regularly, thus avoiding having the impression that the day becomes very short or very long and, in both cases, feeling that we are not doing anything. of productive.

One last tip for organizing your day during the quarantine: relaxation and reflection

Finally, we should not forget to include in our planning and organization of the day during the quarantine an hour to devote to relaxation and reflection. And it is no coincidence that we talk about these two actions by mentioning them together.

It is understandable that, due to the moment we are going through, we are all very nervous, but we must understand that no one is guilty of what is happening. Consequently, it is necessary to relax and think peacefully about this situation so that we can express our opinion and talk about the subject. Always, however, with optimism and empathy.

Therefore, it is no less important to find a good time in the day to relax, work on our breathing, and to meditate. And, immediately after, it is good to reflect calmly on all that the coronavirus is teaching us to improve as people and as a society.

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