Do-it-yourself Musical Instruments: Ideas To Make Them

Making homemade musical instruments is easier than it looks. It is a good way to spend time with your children.
Do-it-yourself musical instruments: ideas for making them

Do you want to play, but don’t have any instruments at home? Do not worry! In this article, we will explain how to easily make homemade musical instruments.

This activity is ideal for stimulating the creativity and imagination of the little ones in the house. It will also allow you to strengthen bonds with your children. What are you waiting for to create a musical band made up of all family members? It is an opportunity to be all together and have fun!

How to make homemade musical instruments

Maracas with paper rolls

To make homemade maracas , you will need the following materials: rolls of toilet paper or kitchen paper, ink or wax markers, scissors, film, duct tape, a handful of pasta, legumes, rice or other small foods .

Musical instruments, colored maracas.

The steps to follow are as follows:

  1. Paint the rolls of toilet paper or kitchen paper (the cardboard part) with the ink markers or crayons. For their decoration, you can also use other materials such as glitter , colored paper, adhesive tapes, etc.
  2. Place one end of the rolls on a sheet of paper and draw two discs of that size.
  3. Cut the discs and attach them with adhesive tape to one end of the paper roll.
  4. Fill the tube with a handful of pasta, legumes, rice or other small foods.
  5. Close the other end of the tube with the remaining disc using tape.
  6. Repeat these operations to make all the maracas you want. Now, you have your musical instruments and you are ready to play them!

Drum, one of the easiest homemade musical instruments to make

To make a homemade drum, you need the following materials: a metal or plastic bowl or jar, cling film, scissors, duct tape, and a wooden stick or two.

The steps to follow are as follows:

  1. Take the metal or plastic bowl or jar and, if you deem it necessary, decorate them.
  2. Cut a piece of plastic wrap slightly larger than the surface of the bowl or jar.
  3. Stick the piece of cling film onto the bowl or jar using adhesive tape. Make sure it is well glued.
  4. Now, you are ready to play the homemade drum. You can use wooden sticks, a pencil or just your hand.

Wooden guitar

It is very easy to make a homemade guitar. You will need a small wooden box, three or four rubber bands, duct tape and two wooden sticks (for example, ice cream sticks).

Child playing a red guitar.

When you have all the materials available, follow these steps:

  1. If you see fit, decorate the small wooden box (for example, you can paint it).
  2. Place the two wooden sticks on the ends of the wooden box using the masking tape.
  3. Place the rubber bands on the box, making sure they are taut and separated from each other.
  4. Play the rubber bands with your fingertips and see how many sounds you can get based on the size of the box and the distance between the wooden sticks.

Pan flute

To make a homemade pan flute, you will need the following materials: nine or ten straws, duct tape and scissors.

The steps to follow are as follows:

  1. Put the straws next to each other in a row.
  2. Join the straws using the masking tape.
  3. Cut the straws diagonally starting from the bottom.
  4. Now, you can blow on the part of the straws that you have not cut. Here, your homemade pan flute is ready to be played!


As you have seen, you can create many musical instruments using materials you already have at home. Take advantage of this opportunity to develop your children’s creativity and spend fun moments with the family.

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