Why Is It Important To Teach Babies To Smile?

Teaching babies to smile is an extremely rewarding task for parents. When you succeed, you will receive countless faces that will make you happy. In addition, the smile will help you to raise happier children, with better learning skills and good interpersonal skills. 
Why is it important to teach babies to smile?

The smile is the reflection of happiness and satisfaction. Laughter also has many health benefits. It is important to teach babies to smile, because it is thanks to the smile that relationships with others will improve and they will be happier. 

From birth and for the first months of life, the action of smiling is only a reflex to draw attention. Starting from the second month, newborns begin to express their emotions with a smile.

Well, how do you  teach babies to smile? What are the benefits?  Read on and you will find the answers to these questions.

How to teach babies to smile?

Babies have been smiling since they are in the womb. And they continue to do so even after birth. However, their purpose is to be seen by you, to get your attention, which is why there is no difference between smiling and crying.

This does not mean that little by little you cannot teach babies to smile. It is actually not difficult to do this. The important thing is not to overdo it.

It’s so easy to make little ones smile that you could get excited and laugh so much that they’ll be crying within seconds. It happens because, not being able to control the rice, they may despair.

Now that we have explained the special features of this reaction, we will list some ways to teach babies to smile:

With physical contact

There are sensitive points in the body which, when stimulated properly, cause laughter.  These points are activated through touch, with the famous tickle. So if you want to make your baby laugh, this is a very easy way to do it.


Who has never happened to hide their face behind their hands and shout ‘surprise!’ in front of a newborn ? Seeing her reaction to this simple gesture causes great happiness. This is something you can do as many times as you like – your baby won’t get tired of it.

Make some noise with a few games

When your little one hears strange but funny noises, such as the one emitted by a rattle, inside him he feels an unknown sensation that causes him to laugh.

In front of the mirror

If you put the baby in front of the mirror, you will immediately see a smile appear on his face.  The explanation for this reaction is that the child enjoys watching that other child in front of him making his own movements.

Give the example

The best way to teach babies to smile is to do it yourself first. When children see that you are happy, they are happy too.

You can smile as you say sweet words to him. You will see how their face will light up immediately.

What are the benefits of smiling for babies?

The effects of this reaction are positive for both you and the little one of the house. Here, in fact, are the benefits:

  • Improve self-esteem and self-confidence.  This is due to the fact that often a smile is caused by having achieved something.
  • Strengthens the immune system. Endorphins – the hormones of happiness – released by our body when we smile regulate the immune system, thus preventing little ones from falling ill easily.
  • Laughter also has soothing properties. It can relieve headaches and, in the case of your child, it can make them forget the fear experienced during a fall.
  • Promotes or development of memory, improves concentration and helps children to behave well. 
  • Laughing helps maintain good social relationships.  Nobody likes to spend their time with a sulky person.
  • Reduces daily stress and tensions. It also helps you tolerate moments of embarrassment better.
  • Babies also use laughter to not make you mad at them when they do something wrong.
  • The brain oxygenates,  which promotes imagination and learning.
  • To smile, 12 facial muscles must be activated, in addition to those of the abdomen. Which almost means exercising. Teaching babies to smile means helping them to be healthy babies.

The smile is a means of communication, as by smiling we transmit our emotions to others, as well as cheer up those around us. For this and for all the reasons mentioned above, it is important to teach babies to smile. Remember these tips and enjoy your child’s beautiful smiles!

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