Infant Massages: 12 Benefits You Do Not Know

Infant massages: 12 benefits you don't know about

Did you know that infant massages have multiple benefits? Furthermore, it is established that the mother’s touch, massages and certain pressure points on the baby’s body help him to develop his body correctly.

For example, when a mother makes circular movements on the baby’s tummy, she is stimulating proper digestion, releasing gas, relieving stomach pain and inducing relaxation.

Nowadays, more and more people are requesting the services of a massage therapist, chiropractor or physiotherapist more frequently. So don’t forget that there is also a category for children: infant massages.

What are infant massages?

A massage is a manipulation of the muscles of the body through the use of the hands. It has a purely therapeutic function and therefore positive effects on the person who receives it.

In this sense it can be said that massages were born as a form of pain relief. Over time, various techniques developed which today are known as <Structured Touch>.

What are they for?

  • Relieve (pain, contractures, physical and emotional discomfort).
  • Relax or stimulate (as needed).
  • Rehabilitate (muscles, tendons).

In this way, a massage can serve to rehabilitate a muscle as well as just relax. The massages promote good blood circulation and thus contribute to the proper functioning of tissues.

Effect of massages

The benefits of infant massages

They strengthen the emotional bond

Infant massages include: eye contact, laughter, stroking and lots of interaction with the baby. This allows the child to interact positively with the parents. Likewise, massages activate the body’s responses correctly.

They relax and relieve stress

Like all massages, even those for children aim at relieving or eliminating tension from the body. Even if it is mistakenly thought that babies do not build up tension, this is not the case. In fact, many of the annoyances that the baby can perceive derive from poor posture.

Remember that for example, when parents put their baby to bed, they don’t always stay by their side to help them change posture and that’s how these physical discomforts occur.

They stimulate psychological development

Infant massages allow babies to feel safer. This is due to the fact that when you give him a massage, you pay full attention to him.

Consequently, fears are limited and tranquility, relaxation and confidence are promoted, with which psychological development is stimulated in a positive way.

They teach the recognition of the limits of the body

By means of massages, the baby can learn to know the limits of his own body, thus gaining an idea of ​​its size. It begins to have some notion about its size and the physical space it occupies.

In other words, it helps them understand that they are no longer extensions of the mother’s body but living beings in their own right. Even if the baby will not necessarily understand it with these words.

They are good for the digestive system

Babies often tend to suffer from gastrointestinal problems. One of the major functions of infant massage is to promote digestion and relieve the movement of gas and colic. On the other hand, when the digestive level is improved, the body absorbs nutrients better.

They are good for the immune system

When the human body is relaxed and free from tension, the functioning of the immune system is improved. Offering massages to your little one is equivalent to making him feel good and preparing him to better deal with infections and diseases.

They improve nervous development

Through the massages you have a perception of the movements, caresses, and of the whole body that are signaled directly to the brain.

Through massages, the baby can improve the ability by which it captures external stimuli.

infant massages

They improve circulation

Undoubtedly , massages help blood circulation, as well as breathing and oxygen supply ensure that the blood is clean. Through this practice, all this is achieved and the lymphatic system is also drained.

Strengthens the respiratory system

Massages done in the chest, back and shoulders area help strengthen the lungs and optimize breathing.

Muscles improve

In addition, they tone the skin, improve flexibility, coordination of the lower and upper extremities.

The benefits of infant massages are innumerable. The main one is that through touch the emotional bond that favors the development of the child is strengthened. On the other hand, relaxation favors the functions of the organism. All of this translates into health and well-being for your baby.

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