How To Prepare A Perfect Baby Shower?

How to prepare a perfect baby shower?

Celebrating the arrival of a baby is a very emotional event. If you have decided to plan a baby shower, there is a lot to plan. Keeping the agenda handy, having time to organize the reception and food, and orienting guests are all crucial.

It is a unique moment that occurs during pregnancy and, perhaps, one of the most exciting. The celebration to welcome the baby who is about to be born can be unforgettable and pleasant for both parents and guests. Through the following lines, we help you prepare a perfect baby shower.

Who organizes the baby shower?

With the idea of ​​celebrating the arrival of the new family member and helping the new parents a little, what we know today as a “baby shower” began. It was made by someone who was not part of the family, so as not to give the impression, in this way, that the family was asking for gifts.

Today, the most common occurrence is that it is organized by the grandmothers, sisters, aunts or cousins ​​of the expectant mother. Even when no one offers to prepare it, there is no problem with the mother-to-be doing it. For everyone, in fact, the arrival of the baby is a source of great joy.

Tips for preparing a baby shower

You can take notes and then cross out the aspects that you have already solved. Among the things you need to take into account to prepare a baby shower are:

1. Establish the budget

It will be different based on the number of participants and  is used to mainly cover expenses related to food, drinks and games. Keep in mind that with little money you can organize a simple and fun party.

2. Choose the meeting place

It can be a public place or a private space. For example, it may be the home of future fathers or that of some participant. Remember to first check that the place is available.

3. Prepare the guest list

The best thing is to  make the guest list together with the future parents.  At the same time, you can determine whether it will be a mixed party or a female-only party.

In this way there will be no difficulties for any person. When your list is complete, go  over the date with your guests in advance to make sure they are available. Their presence at the party is essential.

To prepare a perfect baby shower, all you need is a little organization

Remember to prepare the invitations and send them a month in advance so that everyone can organize their own schedule. If there are family members or close friends who live far away, consider notifying them and try to get them to participate via video call.

4. Prepare the gift list

Review it with your future parents. Make a gift list or register, which you will then pass on to guests after they confirm their presence. In this way, the presents received for the baby will be quite useful, without the presence of duplicates.

5. Choose a photographer

It’s okay to either hire a photographer or ask someone to do it as a personal favor. It has to capture the best moments of the party, so that you can keep a good memory of them.

During the baby shower

Throughout the duration of the baby shower party, you will need to take into account the itinerary and setting. This way you will ensure everyone’s comfort and enjoyment.


Most baby showers have a theme inspired setting. For example, they are of a particular color or style. Lately, some bold and bizarre trends have sprung up, making these celebrations something original.


If there will be small children present, remember to prepare some entertainment for them too. If necessary, you can ask someone to babysit. This way, everyone can fully enjoy the party. Set aside a space for them, where you can put puzzles, balls and toys.

For adults, there are traditional activities related to the pregnant woman and the baby. For example, guess what some baby food is made of.

You can also choose more informal activities, such as a dance competition. Don’t forget to buy the prizes, in case they are needed for some games.


If you plan to set aside some time for dancing, prepare the music you will need. Either way, you can have background music for the rest of the celebration.

Settlement of the place

Preparing for a baby shower also means making sure everyone is comfortable. If there are children or babies present, prepare a bedroom in case any of them get sleepy.

If the party takes place outdoors, plan to have the parents bring a tent so the children can rest. Also remember to reserve  one space for food and drink, and another for gifts.

Celebrating the arrival of the new family member is one of the most exciting moments of pregnancy

Food and beverages

Taking into consideration the budget, the time of the party and the number of guests, you can plan a menu yourself. If possible, you can have someone else prepare the food so that it doesn’t take too much time. Also, if the guests are people you are very familiar with, you can politely and cunningly ask each guest to contribute by bringing a plate.

As for drinks, prepare options for all tastes. If you decide to serve alcoholic beverages, make sure that their consumption is moderate.

After the baby shower

At the end of the party, the expectant mother can open the gifts in the presence of the guests. They can organize themselves so that everyone passes the gifts while someone puts them aside. After the party, it is a good sign of courtesy to send the guests a letter to thank for the gift received, enclosing a souvenir or a small present.

To prepare for a baby shower, you just need to set up and organize everything. In this way, thanks also to the help and collaboration of the guests, you will be able to prepare a perfect party.

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