Signs Of Speech Delay In Preschool Children

Identifying any signs of speech delay early can help you solve speech problems.
Signs of speech delay in preschool children

Identifying any signs of speech delay early can help you solve speech problems in your children.

Development cycles in children progress at different rates. Consequently, it is rather difficult to define what exactly a normal rhythm corresponds to, since one must respect the times of each individual.

The signs of language delay: how to recognize them

Each child is a world. However, it is important to have some clear criteria that help us understand what the regular development standards are, in order to understand whether or not the child is developing as it should.

For example, a 20-month-old baby who has not yet uttered a single word should be taken to the doctor. In a case like this, it is important to understand whether the child has any hearing problems or has a language-related disorder.

Answering these questions is crucial to being able to assess the situation of the boy or girl and know exactly what he needs. This way, you will be able to receive the appropriate help for your specific case.

There are some signs of language delay that you need to know to know, or at least to guess, if there is the possibility that a child has some difficulties or even a delay in the use of the word.

It is very important to identify these signs early, to ensure that, thanks to the appropriate support, these problems are resolved in time and the delay does not increase. For this reason, in this article we talk about some signs that can indicate that a boy or girl has a speech delay.

even as each child grows at their own pace, it is important to know the standards of proper development

Signs of speech delay in preschool children

In the following lines you will find some signs of speech delay that you should be aware of as your child grows. If these or other warning signs appear, speak to your pediatrician immediately.

It is very important to take into account the age of the boy or girl, to know if he is presenting a good development or not.

2 years

The child makes efforts to pronounce words and is only capable of imitating the language pattern, but unable to pronounce sentences. He only speaks a few words repeatedly and is unable to convey messages to others using language. Has difficulty understanding simple instructions.

In more serious cases, moreover, it is possible that no type of language exists or that only unrelated words are pronounced.

in the presence of signs of speech delay, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician as soon as possible

3 years

There are problems communicating with other people. It is even possible that the child is unable to utter short sentences, severely limiting his ability to communicate. This lack of language can make him very frustrated on numerous occasions, often leading to tantrums and behavior problems. He is unable to explain what he wants or what he needs.

4 years

At this age, it is a concern that the child cannot compose sentences or understand instructions or several words. The fact that he has difficulty in correctly using “I” and “you” is also an alarm signal.

Just like when children are 3 years old, this lack of adequate communication can lead to inappropriate behavior, due to the inability to express their needs.

5 years

At this age it is alarming that the child does not understand simple orders or that he is unable to pronounce his own name or that of another known person correctly.

Other signs that may be appropriate to take into account are problems in the correct use of the past tense or the absence of the use of plural forms when the child is speaking. Equally troubling is the fact that he is unable to tell you stories or events that happened to him at school.

If you notice that your child is starting to have difficulty speaking or showing any signs of delay, do not hesitate and contact your pediatrician immediately, so that he can visit your child properly.

It is important to have a diagnosis that is as timely as possible so that you have the opportunity to get the help your child needs. With adequate stimulation, a speech delay can be relegated to oblivion.

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