Overcoming Shyness: Here’s How To Help The Little Ones

Overcoming shyness: here's how to help the little ones

Child shyness is often a problem that is underestimated by parents. So how can you help your little one overcome shyness? Today we talk about it.

When a child is shy, parents do little or nothing to change the situation. Apart from telling acquaintances that the child is shy and exonerating him as he is.

If your child is shy, it is not enough to have an eye for him and his condition.

All of these are totally wrong behaviors.

Of course, shyness can be overcome! With the right time and your help, you can free your child from this trait of their personality.

Overcoming shyness: clues to diagnose it

Mothers as such are best suited to try to identify these characteristics in the baby.

A shy child:

  • He hides when a stranger enters the house.
  • It stays behind mom or dad when they stop to talk to someone else.
  • Speak little or only if asked.
  • He has little relationships with other children of his age.
  • Participate little in class.
  • Play alone. It isolates itself.
  • It does not fit into group work at school and in society.
  • He feels intimidated by strangers and new things. It tends to the scary.

Overcoming shyness: at what age and why does it arise?

Although it is not a rule, shyness begins to appear in the first year of life.

However, shyness can be curbed. Not just because a child is shy in childhood doesn’t necessarily mean they will be shy for life.

Several studies conclude that the roots of shyness may be genetic; that is to say, a newborn child may be predisposed to suffer from shyness as he grows up.

Although in most cases the shyness derives from the family and social environment in which the child grows up.

It depends on everything that happens at home and in the social environment in which one grows, as well as the education that is imposed on him. In short, all these factors affect behavior and character.

To point out: family and society can be responsible for the child’s shyness, at the same time, they can cure this character disorder.

Overcoming shyness: here’s how

When children begin to show the first signs of shyness, parents must take precautions to prevent this characteristic from developing into a disorder that prevents the child from developing as a social being. Both in childhood and in adolescence and in adult life.

overcome shyness

If you think your child is shy:

  • Stimulate his confidence, self-esteem and self- confidence.
  • Check his emotional stability at all times.
  • Give him affection, caresses, kisses, hugs, etc.
  • Share with him as much time as possible.
  • Talk about his fears, worries and dreams.
  • Make it grow in a peaceful and harmonious place.
  • Avoid violence, shouting and arguments.
  • Take this into consideration with regards to family decisions and everything related to it. Also listen to his opinion.
  • Don’t be overprotective.
  • Give him the freedom to make mistakes and learn from his mistakes.
  • Teach them the importance of relating to others and making friends.
  • Avoid stress. Yes, we live in an accelerated and constantly moving society. But it’s not your child’s fault.
  • Don’t force him to be outgoing when he isn’t. The pressures won’t help him.
  • Reward him. Pay attention to his achievements, merits and virtues in moments when he shows himself without hesitation. A shy child needs parental recognition.
  • Encourage him to set goals and achieve them. This way you will help him to be independent.
  • Don’t “label” it. Telling everyone that he is shy will not help him in fact it will make the situation worse.
  • Don’t stop him from playing with others.

overcome shyness


  • Be as sociable and natural as possible. Remember that little ones like to imitate their parents.
  • Do not disdain meetings with parents and other children. Any opportunity is good to relate.
  • Give him household duties and responsibilities. Buying bread in the morning, throwing out the trash, helping to clean up the house, accompanying mum to the market, choosing food …
  • Don’t do things for him.
  • Encourage him to exercise. Sports are great for making friends.
  • Educate him to respect and courtesy. Saying “good evening”, “thank you” and “sorry” will help him break the ice with strangers.
  • Teach him the importance of being true and true to himself. Respect your own tastes and thoughts. So also others will respect and accept him with his strengths and weaknesses.
  • Don’t compare it to others.
  • Teach him to make his own decisions, without waiting for others to do it for him.

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