Activities To Stimulate Children’s Touch

Touch provides us with information about our surroundings and about the body itself. Here are some activities that allow children to develop it to the fullest.
Activity to stimulate children's touch

Tactile stimulation of children is essential from an early age. Experiencing and understanding the different senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) is very important. The senses not only help us to explore the world, but also to understand the environment and our body. Let’s see together what are the activities to stimulate children’s touch.

Feelings are the basis of knowledge. Learning takes place according to the sensations that surround us, to what our senses explore. To stimulate these senses is to stimulate, in a sense, the structural growth of the brain.

Touch is one of the most important senses: it is one of the first to develop in the human being. In this article, we will especially focus on activities to stimulate children’s touch .

5 activities to stimulate children’s touch

1. Look blindfolded

A game to stimulate the senses is to search blindfolded: he will have to find his friends without seeing anything. Once found, he will have to identify them one by one.

Another option is to search for items, in a sort of treasure hunt. To do this, you will have to ask him to touch the objects around him and to guess which object it is. For example, have him touch objects on a desk: books, pens, erasers, lamps, etc.

Blindfolded child plays with others

2. The drawer of surprises

As the name suggests, you will need to create a drawer with several items inside. To do this, you will need a box in which to put different types of things inside, such as empty yogurt containers.

Fill the space with different objects. In addition to objects, you can use things with a different texture, such as rice, oil, hot water, linen, sand, etc. Let the children explore the physical contact with the different materials with their hands. This is definitely an activity to stimulate children’s touch.

3. The game of the bag to stimulate the touch of children

Another exercise to stimulate children’s touch is the game of the bag. Put several objects inside a bag, better if they are easily identifiable by touch. For example a comb, keys, marbles, etc.

This game can also be done in reverse, that is by describing one of the objects to the child and asking him to look for it inside the bag without looking. The idea is to make him touch the objects and push him to find the one that most closely matches the description. Otherwise, you will have to let him put his hand in the bag, pick up an object, touch it and describe it.

4. Play with the foam

This is the most complicated activity of all from an organizational point of view. This involves sprinkling some shaving cream into bowls. Once this is done, add the watercolors so that the foam becomes colorful.

After that, it will involve spreading some paper on a table, drawing an object, such as an animal or a fruit, and coloring it with colored foam using your hands. It is a very fun activity to stimulate the touch of children and their sensations.

Stimulate children's touch with drawing

5. Plasticine to stimulate children’s touch

Plasticine is a material that almost all children like. With plasticine you can create many things, develop the imagination and stimulate the touch of children. It also promotes concentration by proposing short and long term goals.

Playing with modeling clay is not only fun, it relaxes and increases awareness. For example, it is a good option to calm the child back after a moment of anger. It is highly recommended for hyperactive children.


With these simple activities, you will be able to get children to explore their ability to touch and feel. Experimenting with object manipulation and touch is a key part of the development process of children. With these activities, the acquisition of all types of learning is favored.

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