All Children Must Learn To Be Brave

Every child in his childhood must learn to face certain fears and overcome them.
All children must learn to be brave

Once upon a time there was a child who learned to be brave. This child, encouraged by his parents and teachers, faced his fears and gained self-esteem and willpower. Our little hero was able to challenge the “bullies” of his school, make new friends and look to his future with hope. This is why all children must learn to be brave.

Sir Ken Robinson, a famous British educator, writer and lecturer, often criticizes the current educational system in many respects in his works. Furthermore, even parents, mothers and fathers, are wrong about some “little” things.

Every person who is able to make his dreams come true and feel worthy of them, hides within himself a child who has learned to be brave. A child who has learned to defend himself, to love himself and to feel up to his desires.

You may be wondering right now: what am I doing wrong? The answer is simple: many parents educate outward. We want competent children in different academic areas, we want people who adapt to this evolving and, above all, demanding external society.

Professor Robinson tells us that we often forget to educate inward , that is, towards strength, creativity, self-confidence and motivation. We must adopt psycho-pedagogical strategies aimed at raising courageous children capable of taking care of themselves.

Mom, teach me to be strong and brave

Bulling illustration
Once upon a time there was a child, with a frail appearance and a gentle smile. Our protagonist led a fairly lonely life, with few friends and a few hours to spend with his family. His parents worked all day and he, studious and brilliant as ever, had excellent grades.

His parents looked at him with pride. They were convinced that everything was going well, that everything was going great. They were happy. Until our little boy, one day, approached his mother and for the first time in his life, he asked him one thing: “teach me to be brave”.

The protagonist of this story wasn’t bullied, but he thought it would happen sooner or later. If there was one thing this child was tired of, it was fear : fear of talking to people, fear of the elderly, fear of the dark, of things under the bed, fear of becoming invisible …

Educating children to be courageous from an early age

It is easy to understand that the parents of this story neglected an important aspect of education: emotions. Indeed, it is essential to create safe environments in which our children feel loved, protected and accepted. Not like our little protagonist, who felt invisible. On the contrary, all children must learn to be brave.

Courage starts with personal security and for this it is essential to accept your feelings. Also, cultivate self-esteem and trust your heart.

Day after day, another essential task will be to ward off fear. Behind many fears there is only insecurity. Therefore, parents should not hesitate to equip their children with the tools to face their fears.

Brave children in school

Promote self-confidence

  • A brave child must have adequate self-confidence. For this reason, it is essential that, as you grow up, you take responsibility.
  • Having responsibilities improves our perception of ourselves and gradually enables us to do many things.

Be careful not to protect it too much

Every mother wants to avoid any kind of danger and suffering for her children. However, remember that you cannot be with them 24 hours a day. It is necessary to let them go, giving them adequate learning opportunities from which to obtain the best lessons: those of their own experience.

Feeding the conscience

It takes courage to do the right thing when others don’t. It takes character to say “no” to what everyone is doing, to refuse to pick up a cigarette.

All parents must teach their children that brave children are those who act on their conscience and the values ​​they believe in.

Brave children

A book to help children become brave

Finally, we recommend a very nice book that will help your children cope with their fears. It is Roberto Pavanello ‘s “Look what I call the black man” , published by Battello a Vapore.  This story will allow your children to learn to question their fears,  rationalize them and face them with courage.

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