Children’s Book Sagas: Here Are The Best Ones

Here are the best children’s book sagas that will thrill your children, transporting them to worlds full of adventures and unforgettable characters.
Children's book sagas: here are the best

There are some books that go unnoticed and others that become best sellers years after their publication. Still others, from day one, are at the top of the sales charts and remain there for years. This is what happens to the best children’s book sagas.

In today’s article we will talk about the latter category and, in particular, about those sagas that cheered your adolescence and are still your children’s favorite books today.

The best children’s book sagas

1. Harry Potter

JK Rowling’s book series is arguably one of the best children’s book sagas. It is also one of the best-selling in the world, with over 400 million copies.

Thanks to their success, the seven books in this collection have been translated into 65 different languages ​​and have given rise to eight films, a museum in the recording studios in London and thousands of merchandise products.

Their success meant that other books were published that dealt with specific aspects of the subject. Although it has been 22 years since the first book was published in 1997, Harry, Ron and Hermione will continue to be featured on your bookshelves and on televisions around the world for many years to come.

2. Maga Martina

In the same year that JK Rowling published the first book in the Harry Potter saga, Knister did the same with the first book by Maga Martina.

Saga di libri per bimbi

It was one of the best and best-selling children’s book sagas during the period between 2000 and 2005. In each book, Maga Martina passes from one era to another and, through her magical powers, confronts and solves a new adventure.

With a simple, fast and fun narrative style, the author has written and published twenty books with the different adventures lived by Martina. From these books films for the cinema and a TV series for television were born.

3. Geronimo Stilton

Another of the most successful children’s sagas is the one featuring the mouse Geronimo. Its success is enormous and in addition to the 57 books of the first collection, special editions have been published. Her sister, Tea Stilton, also stars in another series of books.

They are books with scents, games and activities suitable for children aged six and up. Your little ones will surely like and enchant them.

4. Manolito Quattrocchi, one of the best children’s book sagas

Manolito Quattrocchi is, without a doubt, the funniest saga of children’s books ever. Its author, Elvira Lindo, published the first book 25 years ago.

Manolito’s way of thinking, ideas and conversations with his brother (whom he calls “the imbecile”), with his grandfather Nicola or with his friends Susanna “dirty laundry” and Lopez “sticking ears”, will entertain the little ones of the house through writing characterized by simple, easy-to-read dialogues.

Given the enormous success, a film and a television series were born from his books.

Saga di Manolito

5. The club of red shoes

This saga is recommended for children over the age of nine. Thanks to the issues it addresses, it has become a best seller . She tells us about the real life of four teenage friends.

Many female readers will identify with the problems facing the four protagonists.

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