Dear Mom: Letter From A Child To His Mother

Dear Mom: A letter from a child to his mother

Dear mother,

I know your nights have changed a little since I arrived. Each turned out to be more difficult than the previous one. And I also understand how this affects the rest of your days. I look at you and see your tired look. For this I feel lucky.

Even with your sacrifices and your commitment, I notice the happiness that the mere fact of having me gives you. In your arms I find my refuge, the truth of life and love. You are warmth and tenderness. The joy that makes my world go round.

Thank you mommy because you love me and patiently dedicate your time to me. Even when you make me burp with so much sweetness and delicacy. I love it when you read me nursery rhymes before I go to sleep. Starting from the most classic stories to finish with those in which you let your imagination run wild.

Your nights have changed since I was born

Baby sleeps with a duck and a bunny.

I know dear mom, I understand how your nights have changed since I have been here. Just yesterday, for example, I woke up every hour to ask you to pick me up. I needed you. This world where I can’t hear your heartbeat every minute scares me.

Dear mom, I need your love and protection. There is so much peace, love, security in your arms that I have no words to describe it.  In every way, despite my insistence, your resigned but understanding face is ready to please me.

With a smile on your face you gave me the tastiest and most nutritious drink of all: breast milk. I grabbed your warm chest with my little fingers and hugged you. Although your eyelids wanted to close for sleep, you kept staring me in the eye. As if I saw much beyond that simple moment.

Thus I understood the value of sacrifice, commitment and devotion. True love, unconditional love. A visceral generosity.

I really appreciate what you do every day for me. For this I want to offer you my apologies, I would like to explain to you that everything I do is just to feel you closer, to feel your affection and your tenderness.

I know you need to sleep, do you know what the problem is? I can’t control my sleep stages, let alone my needs. Everything responds to a biological stimulus. Don’t listen to people who tell you I want to manipulate you. I just need security, just as I need a stomach full of milk or a diaper that doesn’t irritate my skin.

Things that happen to me during the night

I do not know the function of roofs and walls, for me my refuge are your arms. My salvation is you, dear amma. My world, my food, my whole life. And ignore when others tell you it’s time for me to be more independent.

I can’t stop being a baby. Time will teach me autonomy and freedom. And you will be my teacher. But now let me still be a child. Because time passes quickly, and when you realize it, it will be too late and there is no turning back.

Child dreams of his dear mom.

I don’t deny that I need you in all aspects of my life. You are my guide. My light and my path. Believe me when I tell you, honestly, that my crying is not a whim. Thanks for indulging me all the time, no matter what time it is.

With all these gestures of your love you have taught me, little by little, that the world, after all, is a place worthy of trust. Thank you for relieving me overnight, forgetting about errands and the work that awaits you the next morning.

Dear mom, you are simply amazing

Rest assured, remember this is a time of transformation. Later, the sleepless nights will become just a memory. A reminder of how strong and brave you can be. A slight grimace can plague your face because for each bitter mouthful you will be reminded of a thousand maternal blessings.

In the meantime, all I ask for are your arms, your caresses and your kisses. And I promise you that one day, once I’m ready, I’ll go my way. And so, thanks to everything you have done for me, my path will be solid and happy, thanks to all the love you have transmitted to me.

I love you with all my heart and soul, your son.

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