Healthy Breakfast For Children: Here Are 5 Ideas

Breakfast is without a doubt the most important meal of the day. How to get your children into the habit of having a healthy breakfast? Here are some tips.
Healthy breakfast for children: here are 5 ideas

Many nutritionists point out that, for children, breakfast should be the most important meal of the day. Children need a healthy and balanced breakfast every day. Ideally, all children’s breakfast should consist of milk, fruit or fruit juice and carbohydrates.

The problem, however, is that many children only drink a glass of milk for breakfast. Few accompany it with other products such as cereals, biscuits or rusks. In addition, many children and adolescents spend less than 10 minutes on breakfast every day.

If children do not have a healthy breakfast , the consequence is that they will lack the necessary energy for the rest of the day. In addition, by mid-morning they will need high-energy products such as those from industrial pastry in order to make it to lunch. This eating disorder, if not corrected, can trigger the increase in childhood obesity. It is in fact one of the biggest health problems for children today.

Nutrition experts are concerned as many children skip breakfast. As a result, many children are listless even before starting classes. A healthy breakfast will allow your children to have the energy they need to start the day with strength and good humor.

If they never have time for breakfast because they have to get into school before class starts, try to make sure they can have a healthy breakfast right at school. Today, many schools allow children to have a healthy and adequate breakfast directly in the school facilities before classes even begin.

Milk and cereals

A healthy breakfast for children

Many times the whole family eats breakfast quickly because their members get up late from bed or because they don’t have enough time. However, you must be aware that a child who does not have a healthy breakfast cannot perform well in school.

A healthy breakfast should contain dairy products such as milk, yogurt or cheese. In addition, it must have carbohydrates such as rusks, biscuits or cereals. It is also recommended to include fruit juice and other foods such as jam, butter or cooked ham.

Dairy products and carbohydrates are essential for children to have a healthy breakfast. If your son or daughter does not like milk, you can offer for example milk with cocoa, yogurt, smoothies or cheese. Make breakfast a fun and enjoyable time for children.

Also keep in mind that a healthy breakfast includes vitamin D and calcium, two substances that are very important for children’s bones. In the growing season, calcium is essential for the development and health of children. Vitamin D, on the other hand, helps prevent infections that are very common in children when they start going to school.

Get children used to a healthy breakfast

If you get your children used to dedicating some time every day to a healthy breakfast from an early age, they will surely keep this good habit. You can also include foods that can be eaten quickly such as cereal bars, pre-prepared tubs of chopped fruit or fruit smoothies in their breakfast.

A highly recommended option to prevent waking up from being rushed is for children and adolescents to go to sleep earlier in the evening. Another way is to leave the breakfast prepared from the previous evening so that it becomes a habit.

On the other hand, in order to rest well, children need to sleep between ten and twelve hours a day. If they do not eat heavy meals during dinner, they will surely wake up with the desire to have a big breakfast.

Child having a healthy breakfast

If they get into this habit from an early age, they will never skip breakfast even if they wake up late in the morning. According to many nutritionists, breakfast for children is the most important meal of the day and if they don’t, they could develop nutrition problems.

What we have clear is that having the good habit of having a healthy breakfast is essential for the health of your children. You need to make sure that they have breakfast every day and that it is a healthy breakfast. You will see that if you start cultivating this healthy habit today, your children will soon adapt. Do not have any doubts. You will soon see the results.

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