How Can Someone So Small Make Us Feel Something So Great?

How can someone so small make us feel something so big?

Even though you could neither see nor touch it you already loved it, adored it and even dreamed of it. Even if he has not yet said his first word, he sleeps and eats all day, even when he is small he is for you the most beautiful and perfect being in the world. How can someone so small and so fragile be able to make us feel something so immense?

This is undoubtedly one of the biggest questions for which no explanations, no books or the most advanced theories on motherhood are needed. Children love each other, and it doesn’t matter if they haven’t grown up in your womb. It doesn’t matter if they don’t have the same genetic code as you, children love each other because they are a part of us. They are children of the heart and this is something that a mother and a father can understand very well.

On the other hand, there are those who remind us that this whole festival of sensations, hopes and even constant worries around this perfect little creature  is the evident result of a series of biological processes regulated by oxytocin, also called the maternity hormone. , from the affection and the need to protect the little ones.

However, when we talk about this eternal love, for which there are no excuses, surrenders or defects, biological explanations don’t make much sense. Children love each other the same way we breathe. They are part of us, they are a huge piece of our heart and the umbilical cord that will always unite that perfect boy or girl, who for us is our universe and that planet around which to orbit for life in a respectful way.

Feel this new life in our arms

In most of the sites where we talk about motherhood we often tend to leave aside that magical, iron and necessary bond that the new born has with his father. And even more, it is often forgotten that having a child is something that involves two people, and that what parents can come to feel in the face of this new life is ultimately something unforgettable and at the same time transcendent.

How can someone so small make us feel something so big?

What we feel is also the result of a story

Having a child is the result of a process that identifies and defines us. When a woman is in the delivery room, she undoubtedly experiences the most special moment of her life. Yet what was there first forms part of a unique heritage that defines the father, mother and, later on, one’s child.

  • It is easy for the couple, for example,  to have had difficulties when it came time to become parents. The way they feel the arrival of that newborn is something very intense, overflowing and full of meaning.
  • On the other hand, we cannot even forget that more and more “rainbow” babies are born every day. In the personal story of those parents, a rainbow child is introduced that they will always remember, but who in turn makes them feel this birth in a different way. More intense.
  • In turn, another of the stories that often defines parents is the arrival of a premature baby. The emotions, the fears, the suffering that is often present in these tiny creatures who struggle for life, make parents almost obliged to experience very complex sensations, in which fear and hope are equally present in their parents. hearts.

So small and I already felt your light inside me

Parental love

Fetal movement is felt between the seventh and eighth week of pregnancy. Despite this, the most experienced mothers are able to identify the movements of the embryo much earlier. When this happens, something in the mother lights up, lights up, awakens …

It is the moment in which we are fully aware of the fact that that life is already there, and almost without knowing how an intense, infinite and immeasurable love takes possession of us without our being able or willing to control it.

We simply get carried away. Month after month we hope to hear him more and more, we dream of his face, his voice and imagine with his father what the sound of his laughter will be or who it will look like.

On the other hand,  even parents who have chosen adoption as a response to desire dream of that child who will soon be part of them. Also in this way the process is felt, dreams, imagined and planned with the same intensity and the same transcendence.

I love you my little one

Once we have this special someone with us, we can do nothing but gently hug him and make him ours. Feel her perfume, the strength of her heart, the warmth of her skin and that need she has to have us next to us. Because this mom and dad now have the most important task of their life ahead of them.

Feeling is living. To feel is to experience happiness and to make it grow as we share, as we caress, dream and make this being so small walk day after day in harmony with us.

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