How To Introduce The First Baby Food?

The first meals for our children must be as natural, digestible and nutritious as possible.
How to introduce the first baby food?

The first meals in the baby’s diet are essential for its growth. At the age of six months, it is necessary to integrate a new group of foods into his diet, to begin to accustom him to flavors and textures. In this way, we will  gradually “train” your digestive system.

Therefore, it is necessary to know well what are the foods with which these first meals are to be prepared . In general, we believe that any soft fruit, such as banana, is sufficient. In reality, however,  banana is not the best choice. Before introducing it, you need to include other fruits that are more rich in fiber.

Techniques for introducing the first baby food

When the baby tries his first baby food, it is possible that his expressions make us understand that he is feeling a little surprised. This is normal behavior, due to the fact that the food  has a different texture than what it has experienced during its short life. For this reason, it is important for parents to be patient and persistent.

Establish a time

It is important that the baby starts eating his first meals at the same time every time, so that his body can get used to receiving this new food at the same time. in this way we will avoid that excesses occur. We remember that it is not good for the child to eat without feeling the stimulus of hunger.

It is important that the baby starts eating his first baby food at the same time every time

A peaceful environment

Since this food is something completely new and strange for the baby, it  is important that the meal occurs in an environment where he feels comfortable. The best thing is that there are no sources of distraction around him and, preferably, that there is little noise. At first he will find it difficult to sit alone in the chair: therefore, it is better not to force him. He can also eat sitting on his mom’s lap.

Replace a bottle feed

To introduce the first baby food in the baby’s diet it is important not to suddenly eliminate the feeding from the bottle. It should be borne in mind that this may be too abrupt a change for the baby. So, it’s best to start substituting baby food for bottle feeding that occurs specifically at a certain time.

If the baby was given a feeding of milk at noon, this will be replaced by a baby food. If he has eaten enough, there is no need to give him breast milk or a bottle. Instead, it will be necessary if you have eaten little.

Be persistent, but don’t force it

The quantities of baby food must be small,  and when it comes time to feed the baby, you need to be very patient. Often, parents believe that if the baby eats all the food, he will be fine. And, even if the ideal is actually that you eat it all, there is no reason to force it. If you push too hard with the spoon, it can cause the baby to gag, which will make it more difficult to feed him in the future.

Tips for starting with the first baby food

Even if the baby may refuse his first meals, this does not mean that he does not like them at all, but it is possible that, being a completely new food, he may perceive them as something strange. The secret is to create a solid routine to get your body used to receiving the new food. Here are some tips parents should consider.

  • Baby food should not be sugared. It is not even necessary to add salt.
  • Foods should be cut into very small pieces, to prevent them from going sideways to the baby.
  • The temperature of the baby food must be lukewarm.
  • The consistency of the baby food should not be too liquid or too thick.
  • If the baby turns his head when his parents offer him the baby food, it could mean that he is full and wants no more.
  • When the baby has eaten little food and, therefore, is still hungry, it is possible to make him conclude the meal with a feeding from the bottle.
  • It is possible that the child, after eating the baby food, gets thirsty: in this case you can give him some water.
  • Some babies begin to eat well from 8 months of age: consequently, parents must be persevering in its nutrition.

Once the first baby food has been introduced, it is very easy to vary the baby's diet

What foods do you prepare the first baby food with?

Before starting with the first baby food, it is essential that parents consult the pediatrician. It will be he who will indicate exactly which foods should be integrated first in the child’s diet. In summary, however, among  the most recommended are:

  • Cereals : oats, rice, corn, soy, tapioca.
  • Vegetables : Potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, leeks, lettuce, courgettes.
  • Fruits:  orange, plums, peaches, apples, pears and bananas.

In babies, nutrition is very important, because  their growth will largely depend on what nutrients their body receives. As we have seen, introducing a certain variety into their diet is very simple, when we know what is most convenient to do.

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